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Galactic Milieu and No Upfront Cash

Digitalis Data Services - Mark Metson, widely known as Knotwork, Makemoney Knotwork and so on...

Is pleased to announce that, yes, I have arrived at MLM Gateway!

I actually came across this Gateway in the process of setting up "yet another" automatic set and forget traffic and income machine.

Believe it or not though, automated viral traffic-and-income machines are not my main interest!

If you use's Wayback Machine you can trace the evolution of my web presence Way Back, in particular you can see MakeMoney Knotwork used to be all about using the GNU/Unix "make" command, commonly used to compile, assemble and link computer programs, to automatically "make" money.

So yes, automation has always been an interest, so much so that I tried to resolve never to do anything on a computer that wasn't a part of learning testing and experimenting how to teach the computer to do it for me.

But massively multiplayer online games, specifically my Massively Multiplayer Crypto Play-to-Earn Multiverse, has been my intended focus lately. But how to make folks aware it even exists? Aha, time to pull out all that online marketing stuff from oh gosh, a decade or so ago is it already? :)

So, I have been dusting off my old No Upfront Cash "Empire of Lists" traffic-building income-building downline-building system that way back when got brought down by its reliance on a free autoresponder provider that "flew by night".

Flying by night has been a problem in the Crypto end of things too, at least three or four times way back in the old days we built up IXCoin and I0Coin to a dollar or more a coin only to have whatever exchange we were building its (BTC) buy-side on "fly by night" or if we were lucky merely "de-list" those coins.

So I am well aware of the possibilities of underlying pieces of a system mucking up the big picture.

Nowadays we use HORIZON and STELLAR platforms to trade on, so that our buy-side asset stays in our own wallets even whilst sitting on the buy-side of a trading-pair. Hopefully Stellar (XLM) itself will not fly by night, and HORIZON's developers already did before we adopted it for use in the Galactic Milieu, so its on us now to keep nodes up and running, hopefully we're not all going to fly by night ourselves! :)

As I write, early wee hours of Fri 22 September 2023, I apparently do not have enough contact-people credits here even to respond to enquiries or requests to join, but I recall something about gaining a credit a day so expect some delays getting back to you if you asked to join or asked anything at all for that matter.

My No Upfront Cash system is mentioned on the HIVE-blockchain which the link I gave above accesses, it is even tagged #Galactic-Milieu so that the link should let you easily find it. I am not sure it would be kosher to make my second link in this article be to a squeeze (capture, subscribe, signup) page. :)

Thus I shall content myself with providing a link to the front page of my MakeMoney Knotwork site, which nowadays I have been using as a sort of "bio" or "intro" page.

-MarkM- (Knotwork, Makemoney Knotwork etc)

This article was published on 23.09.2023 by Makemoney Knotwork
Author's business opportunity:

No Upfront Cash - Traffic, Lists. etc, Free to join
Copy/Edit our emails to make your OWN copies of our lists, explosive traffic, deep downlines, NO UPFRONT CASH!

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