Change in the costs of transport from Poland to the USA
Change in the costs of transport from Poland to the USA
Recently we have many voices that current rules for calculating the cost of transport from Poland to the USA are not always understandable to you. Every opinion about developing a business is of great importance to us. First of all, it allows us to make modifications that you can then re-benefit.
Therefore, we would like to remind you that we decided to enter into the system transport costs adapted to the weight of the shipment, which will be calculated automatically - directly when placing the order. We believe that thanks to this solution, building a business at the DuoLife Club in the US zone will be easy and more transparent, and the ordering process itself will be simpler, automatic and much faster than before.
The costs of delivery from Poland to the USA are presented in the table below.
1.The modifications do not affect the Free Delivery promo for orders at the level of min 500 points. Club Members who meet the requirements can use the $ 1 delivery option.
2.The cost of a combined shipment, i.e. the order attached to the main order, is 1 $.
3.In the case of a combined shipment, where at least one order has a value of min. 500 points, please place this order as main order so that the shipping costs are zeroed, and then attach further orders for $1.
4.In the case of a combined shipment, when none of the orders has a value of min. 500 points, the main order charges the cost of transport according to the weight of the order, while other orders are attached for $1 regardless of weight.
We hope that new opportunities and solutions will translate into your successes. We strongly encourage you to use them!
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