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Make $64,000 every month! Through Crowdfunding!

Do you have friends on Facebook?

Answer “yes” and you’ll never have to worry about your job, or paying your bills ever again…  

Instead you will be earning great money, month after month, from anywhere in the world you choose to live.  

Fellow MLM Gatewayers,

For years now, we’ve known that the world is an unfair place…

The majority of people work 8 to 12 hours a day, breaking their back day-after-day to make their bosses richer, only to get a paycheck that only “just” covers their bills.

Then there’s the 1% who have somehow found a way to beat the system.

It Doesn’t Have To Be That Hard

Now there’s a new social network that lets you make money from all of your online connections.  

It’s called SMASHFUND.


What UBER did to the Taxi Industry…


What AirBnB did to the Hotel Industry…


What Netflix did to the DVD Rental Industry…

Smashfund will do to the Crowdfunding Industry!


Smashfund has combined the power of crowdfunding with the power of social networking,

empowering you to share and fund your business, your projects and your passions!


What if Facebook or Linkedin had merged with GoFundme or KickStarter and gave 80%

of all their Revenue back to their Members!

This is the opportunity we have here...The timing is perfect. 

Join now for free, we are in pre-launch.

Here’s how it works.

For each person that you personally invite, you get paid $50 per month. And then for each person in your network (just like connections on Linkden), you get $4 per month up to 16,000 connections. The Smash Fund algorithm constantly searches for people to add to your network so you can reach up to 16,000.

I’m sitting here doing the math... Even if you only manage to invite 10 of your friends (you’ll get way more by the way) that’s $500 per month of passive income.

Now imagine you get all of your Facebook friends to join … now we’re talking $10k, $20k, up to $64,000 every month!

You will never have to convince your friends to buy it, because they will be making just as much money as you once they join….FOR FREE!!!

It’s a circle of never-ending cashflow.

This is going to take over the social networking industry the same way Uber destroyed the taxi industry. There’s no going back now.

The same way you connect with new people on Facebook or LinkedIn, is how you will connect on SMASHFUND. The difference is you’ll get paid for it.

It’s simple. Make connections, and get paid for those connections. There’s no hidden fees or policies.


You Can Get Started For FREE…

Right now SMASHFUND is in it’s pre-launch phase, they officially open their doors to the public on July 1st, 2016.

That means that you have until their launch date to set up your profile and build your network for Free!

After July 1st it will cost $150 per month to use their network (this pays for itself with just 3 connections). But it will be harder to convince your friends to pay the $150 upfront.

Now is the time to take advantage this amazing opportunity. You probably won’t get another chance like this in your lifetime.

Sign Me up for free

Your Success Is Guaranteed…

If you haven’t built as many connections as you’d hoped, or you just feel like SMASHFUND isn’t a good fit for you… just let us know before July 1st and we will cancel your account and your credit card won’t be charged. No questions asked.

There’s ZERO risk involved.

But if you like it, and you make the effort … I’m certain you’ll make at least $3000 - $5000 every month only because your joining at such an early stage. Once the Smash Fund company starts its promotions there’s going to be tons of members joining without referrals. These will be your viral connections. But if your plan is to join for free an wait that’s great too, but If you have at least 3 people in your team before July 1st you know you won’t be charged anything.

My friend, here is your private invitation to the life of abundance you’ve always dreamed of:


Raul Menon 

Veteran Social Marketer  

P.S. You only have until July 1st to take advantage of this private invitation to SMASHFUND for a Free trial… your life of financial freedom awaits.

This article was published on 24.05.2016 by Rahul Menon
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