Two important things to know about your conact list
Starting the duplication process…
The scope and scale you build your network is going to be determined greatly by the contact list you’re working from. In our first lesson we promised to reveal the two most important things about your candidate list.
Here they are:
1. The names on it must be CONTACTABLE. You need a phone number, an email or a social media link, but you have to have a way to contact them. Keep that in mind as you go about your day and are meeting people. It’s vital that you capture a way to contact them. When you meet people and give them your card or some information make sure you get their contact number or/email address so that you can follow up.
Don’t expect them to get back to you at this stage because they won’t, they will only start getting back to you after you have built some rapport and trust.
2. The second important thing about your candidate list is it needs to be ORGANIC, meaning it is a living, breathing entity that is always morphing and changing.
One of the worst mistakes new people can make is doing a candidate list once when they begin, then never working it again. You probably meet somewhere between 5 - 20 new people each week. Not every one of them should go on your candidate list, but a majority should. So you should be adding to it every week (and of course, deleting the people who do join your business).
It’s a well known fact that you need to have contact with your prospect 5-7 times before they really listen to what you have to say. Work your candidate list consistently, make sure the names are contactable, and you’ll always have some qualified prospects ready to approach.
It’s worth noting here that your contacts/prospects stay in your pipeline until they either join you or they give you a definite “no”.
What is a “no”?
A “no” is when somebody says to you:…”I have looked at all of your information and we have had conversations about your opportunity. I understand what is on offer and I can tell you that I’m not interested, if fact I don’t like you and I don’t like your family.” That is a definite “no”.
If they haven’t looked at your information and had all of their questions answered, then in this case a “no” simply means “no not now” or “no I don’t understand” or “no the timing isn’t right for me at the moment”. These people stay in your pipeline so that you can drip feed them, simply say to them…”Can I keep you posted with any developments and let you know how I’m doing from time to time?”, they will always say “yes”.
In our next post we will reveal the big lie about your candidate list.
Here's to your success - Have a great day!
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