Once in a lifetime, and yours forever
Saying "I want to make money, but I don't want to invest is like saying I want to go to heaven, but I don't want to die"
In life, we don't regret the things that we do, we regret the things that we don't do.
Joining forsage now can guarantee you, in the long term, the richness you've always dreamed about. And only for a minimum of $12.
You will look back and be sorry that you didn't join. You can still join at that time as it never expires; the difference? 0.06 ETH will cost $60+
Check my Facebook page, you can send me a message there if you're interested
With a minimum investment of 0.06 ETH ( exactly $12.73 at the current price), you hold the potential of earning your retirement.
Forsage is a team-work, the bigger the team, the bigger the win. You won't be alone in this. Since it was launched in January, 151 486 people joined, and more than 97 000 people earned money and those 97k people generated a profit of more than 20 MILLION DOLLARS in just 4 months. The rest? They don't work, they are alone or they just wait for some miracles to become rich.
4 Years ago (2016), ETH was launched for a price of $51. In 2 Years (2018) It reached a high of $1400+. Today, you can have 1 Ethereum for $212. In 2 years from now, ETH can see again a high of $1000+.
Potential earnings?
There you go:
Level2 $18
Level3 $36
Level4 $77
Level 5 $144
Level 6 $288
Level 7 $576
Level 8 $1152
Level 9 $2304
Level 10 $ 4608
Level 11 $ 9216
Level12 $18432
Level1 $13.5
Level2 $27
Level3 $54
Level4 $108
Level5 $216
Level6 $534
Level7 $864
Level8 $1728
Level9 $3456
Level10 $6912
Level11 $13824
Level12 $27648
And you start your level one in X3 and X4 with only $12.72 (current price).
The difference between forsage and other decentralised apps is that forsage is going on forever, it doesn't have a deadline, you don't stop earning after you reached the last level ( as a matter of fact, you'll earn even more over a longer period of time), you have a higher potential of earning from spillages and also, 100% of your earnings, are going straight in your wallet in a matter of seconds. Don't wait until is too expensive to join, Don't wait for the future, too look back and say.."damn, I would've been rich now".
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