Additional Information
Mti was founded in 2019. The company's vision is to make a substantial contribution to the economic well-being of people around the world. Since its introduction, our business and brand has grown rapidly across the globe. We want to build an iconic brand that delivers sustainable growth and value creation for all stakeholders.
For more information call/whatsapp: 0643324533
Register at:
The owner of the company said:
My dream is to build a sustainable and reliable internet based passive income technology platform; a platform that will enable financial independence. It must be accessible to the everyday man on the street, and has poverty alleviation at heart. It must be intuitive, enlarge the global crypto footprint and provide a business model that ensures a steady, growing and reliable passive income for all - and I invite you to join me on this journey, Johann Steynberg (Founder and CEO).
In line with our commitment to service excellence, we have recently upgraded our technology infrastructure to enhance the member experience.
One of the fundamental drivers and enablers of long-term sustainable success is the reputation of the MTI brand. It is our top priority to protect and enhance the reputation of the company by delivering on our promises and adding value to all stakeholders.
To this end, we are pleased to announce the following enhancements to its technology infrastructure and governance arrangements:
A new and faster server has been acquired and installed.
The Terms and Conditions that sets out the conditions of being an MTI member has been reviewed and updated.
Key organisational policies have been reviewed and updated.
The Governance section of the MTI website now includes:
Advice Disclaimer
General Terms and Conditions
General Policies
Core Values
Code of Conduct
Compensation Plan
Terms and Conditions
To protect and enhance MTIs reputation, all staff and members are urged to familiarise themselves with the above, in particular, the MTI Core Values and the MTI Code of Ethics.
As a global team we need to collectively take responsibility for a consistent and aligned message to new and prospective MTI members.
MTI is evolving into a global brand, which will continue to make a difference in the lives of many more ordinary people, for years to come.
We are MTI.
The MTI Team
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