Crowd1 a digital networking company with digital products
This is a global networking company, it origin is Sweden. Crowd1 is is a crowd customer based. It has crested market for other companies e.g Migster ,Safer,Lifetrend and Afligo all these companies share their profit with crowd 1 on a fifty fifty basis and this is where it gets its money to run the company and pay its members. It also has its own Educational packages that are purchased for one to be a member.There are ways of earning
1.Profit sharing
a)quarterly pay out every 3months from the time of joining
b)Residual earnings from the profit the company makes
a)Fear of loss,a quick motivational token given within14 days if she/he recruits 4people who have signed in li she or he did. If you bring four people who have signed in with a white package which is €99 = ksh 12000,the company pays you ksh14375 on th 15th day.If you bring four people who signed in using black package which is ksh35000 thecompany pays you ksh 43125 ,when you recruit four people with Gold package which is ksh 92000, the company pays you ksh 115,000 and if you bring four people who signed in with Titanium package which is 295,000 the company pays Ksh 345,000.All the signings are done in euros.
b) Binary b
onus ,bonus given according to the packages of your down lines and in ratio 1:1, 1:2 and1:3 which pays well, binary here means two when you sign in four people,one is placed on your left leg and three on the right and vise versa.that's where the payment of ratios 1:1,1:2 and 1:3 is.
c)Matching bonus ,paid per level of your network.When you bring four people and each bring four that becomrs your first level of networking ,when the four bring four each that is 16,16 16 ,16 tha is second level of networking,when the sixteen bring four each that is 64,64,64,and 64 the third level,then 64 bring four each, 256, 256, 256 and 256 forth level. 256 bring four each 1024,1024,1024 and 1024 fifth level.These are levels of network paid every 15th of each month according to the level yo u attained the previous month. The levels are Team leader star 1_3,coodinatot star1_3
d)Streamline bonus,it paid till infinity and paid from crow 1 rewards that is got from how people stream into the company.
I would wish other people who have not joined crowd1. Crowd 1 has 11,000,000 members at present .it is a fast growing company and very soon it will be among the companies
in the stock exchange marketThe founder Erick Wanner has other three other unicon companies.So anyone who is interested to join crowd 1
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