My Journey in MLM to find the best Opportunity
We all have our story of how we got introduced to MLM and the many, many lessons we learned. I am going to take you on a journey to my past and share with you some of my adventures. I was first introduced to MLM back in the 60's. I had just started my career in nursing (which I loved) and had a friend ask me if I had ever heard of AMWAY? My response was no, so I received an invite to their house for "a meeting". There were about 10 people present and my friend begin to "draw" circles on a board. This was my first look at the famous diagram of " you" and then you add 2 people under you and they add 2 under them and WOW, I was on my way of becoming "RICH" Now another thing I was told to do was purchase these tapes and listen to them as I drove to work each day, of course I had to pay for them. Not only did I have to pay to join AMWAY, I was to purchase products, purchase tapes, every week, invite others to join and learn to draw those circles! How simple could that be, just get two of my family members to join and I was on my way. Now let me see, who should I tell about this wonderful way to make a lot of money and become rich. Oh, I will share with my one sister, and my brother. Gosh, neither one of them were interested. My sister was busy raising 3 kids, her husband provided a good living and she was not interested in earning extra money. My brother was a farmer full time and he did not have time to listen to tapes on his way to work on a tractor!( for one thing you could not hear the tape above the noise of the tractor) I am not easy discouraged so I was told to build a list of all the people I know, all of my family and start telling them about AMWAY, also my friend who was already in the company would make statements "If I can do it, you can do it" Well he must have friends and family from another planet, because I could not get one friend or family member to join.
Life is happening to me, now have 2 sons, busy career in nursing, not thinking about becoming rich, dealing with adversities of married life.
Another friend approached me and wanted to know if I had heard of Melaleuca. No I said, tell me about it. Well they said, it is awesome, you want to join now while we are in pr-launch! you will be ahead of the crowd that is going to sign up, all you need to do is get 2 people and they get 2 people and they get 2 people and you are on your way. Wait just a minute, where did I hear this before! It is not that easy, I could never get two people. Oh, my friend told me, just sign up and "I" will help you get two people. Oh, that sound good to me, I will just let him get me two people. I found out I had to purchase products every month and the more I bought the more money my friend would make. Gosh didn't I want to help them out even if I did not like the taste of that products, and anyway they were going to get me 2 people, Months went by and I still did not have 2 people. Second lesson learned: do not depend on someone else to do your work.
Over the course of several years I joined and UN joined many MLM opportunities. They all sounded so good before I joined, but after joining I just could not get others to join me. When I started talking to them about a "new business" I would be faced with, "what are you promoting now" "what happened to the last greatest opportunity on this side of Gods green earth" Boy some people just never learn, this might be the "BIG" one, this just might be the one to make me RICH.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this and if you have identified yourself having done this I would love to hear from you.
I now have that business that is making me the income that I always dreamed about. It is so easy to do now that my belief in the company has no reservation and others can see for themselves the benefits. If you would like to join me on this journey and have me as your personal mentor I will be glad to share this awesome company with you.