Viral Traffic Games - how to earn more traffic and cash with no extra effort
Do you use Traffic Exchanges and Safeslists to promote your business? Of course you do.
How about getting more credits, banner and text impressions, cash even, just doing what you do anyway? No extra effort needed at all, most of TE-s and growing number of Safelists are already participating in this game.
It works very simply. You could try it for free and see for yourself if you are not in already:
Still, I would say a few words about how it works.
You can register for free and never pay a penny, BTW this way you are still eligible both for commissions and cash prizes. Every day you have a choice of Traffic Exchanges you would like to surf. Probably the best solution is to choose them from Maze of Rewards and/or Diamond Tournament pages:
The best part of it is that the sites listed for these two contests often coincide. At these occasions you could go for both surfing a single TE, so I recommend to check out both TE lists before making your decision regarding which TE your are going to surf that day. You may also check VTG Surf League page, these are the sites offering higher traffic and cash rewards that particular day.
While you surf as usual, from time to time you get a shield icon on the screen opening another tab where you can make a move in a quite simple but quite amusing game taking seconds only. Each move gets you additional goodies on the TE you surf. Completing a maze or unlocking a magic diamond, which is quite easy - you just should surf the required number of pages - gets you a real chance to win some dollars, not cents, at the end of the week. This requirement varies from TE to TE, but normally it is about 300+ pages, not a big deal to complete.
When you tried it and are satisfied I would also strongly recommend you to keep an eye on OTO-s and take the Lifetime Upgrade for Pro Gold or VIP Gold as soon as they are offered. My own experience with that was that I paid USD 37 once for Lifetime Golden Pro about 3 months ago and have this money back already. Now I just have a lifetime residual income for free. You hardly want to miss such an opportunity.
As a cream on the cake, you can advertise on VTG too. If you are Pro or VIP, you get monthly credits and impressions shown on a variety of TE-s, so that also does not cost you any extra.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me here or at
So you may want just to try it and enjoy all the benefits!
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