Who knew that beautiful jewellery could also improve your health?
Hello there,
My name is Tracey and I run a business with Energetix magnetic jewellery and Wellness products.
Energetix is a well established company in Europe and Scandanavia and has been running for 19 years. However, in the UK, we have less than 30 active business owners.
It is £35 to join and that includes your first piece of jewellery. The company has all of the usual perks, like a car programme, holidays, incentives and annual training events. You will receive a business pack containing details of the company, the incentives the jewellery and how to build your business. You also get a few branded bits to help show your nearest and dearest what company you are with.
Magnets have been scientifically proven to relax blood vessels and allow more oxygen and nutrients to flow through the blood. This in turn helps the body remove toxins, like lactic acid and cholesterol, from the blood stream. As a person with 2 chronic pain conditions and a damaged spine, I can wholeheartedly endorse the effectiveness of the products. The jewellery and Wellness products are made from hypoallergenic surgical stainless steel and many have copper as well. This means that the vast majority of people can use our products to soothe and ease health conditions, with very few side effects. The only people who shouldn't use magnets are those with a pacemaker, an internal medication pump or pregnant ladies. This means that most of the continent is your customer!!!
I have been with the company 3 years and can honestly say that the products are so easy to sell. The jewellery is beautiful and the magnets are incredibly effective. Personally, I prefer to sell at health and wellbeing fayres, or mind, body and spirit fayres. I also love big, multi-day festivals as the atmospheres is usually fantastic. There is also the added advantage of camping bringing on all a persons aches and pains so they may be grateful for something that helps them with those! Many Energetix business owners like to hold jewellery parties and these can be very effective. We offer a highly discounted host/hostess gift for the person who is holding the party for you.
This opportunity is great, with so few business owners and a company that isn't quite as loud as some of yhe other MLM's around. So if you are looking for a way to earn a living whilst helping others
My website is www.aloedarling.energetix.tv Please do take a look at the jewellery and then get in touch i
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