Are you waiting for you ship to come in?
Have you ever wondered why it always seems that the other guy gets all the breaks?
Or, does it seem like as you put in your effort what one would expect for returns just doesn’t quite make it?
I’ve always thought that if I put in my fair share, I certainly should get what I felt I deserved. However, in the end things don’t always work out the way we expect not knowing all that is involved.
For example, a few years back I was fixing up my home to put it up for sale with the intention that I would be able to sell it for a better price than I purchased it for.
I took three years to complete the renovations. However, over this time period the market happened to flip from a sellers market to a buyers market. Something I was not paying attention to, and truly is beyond our control.
This situation resulted in a financial loss in the end, but it did provide many exciting opportunities over those years getting the house ready in the end.
Recently I attended a meeting where speaker shared the statement, “Your ship doesn’t come in until you send one out!”
Although my “ship” didn’t come back overflowing with profit when I sold that house, it did come back chock full of experience, knowledge, memories, opportunities, and more that I would have never been able to obtain had I not sent that ship out when I bought that house and taken the chance initially!
I’ve since been able to move forward to my next opportunity that I would never have considered had I not set my first “ship” out…
When one is looking to do something more in their life, they need to take the first step and see what their life will look like. If we wait for the right “thing” to come to us we’re going to miss it only because we won’t recognize it not knowing what we’re looking for!
What ship are you waiting for?
Would you be willing to take the first steps to send your ship out?
In the time of this financial crisis so many are searching for something more to help make certain they can keep their family safe.
If you’re looking for a way to create an additional residual additional income that will come in weekly with the help of others getting you there faster, then let me know. You ship is about to sail!
What you get when joining my team:
• Full step by step training
• Scripts to help you prospect properly for success
• Teammates helping to build your team alongside you
• Community of like-minded marketers to lean on, share with, and learn from
• All tools needed to find success faster than without them
Get up and experience the things you want to do. Determine what you what to be doing in life and go do it!
Believe in yourself,
Warren La Duke
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