Do This First For Your Marketing Business
Hey there. It's a little windy down here in Yuma Arizona. I just went by the Yuma proving grounds. That was pretty neat. There are 2 big guns out by the gate.
Anyway, beautiful day that I'm having. I'm going to listen to some audio books while doing my thing out here on the road. I was thinking about making these a little bit more about business. Being in business for yourself. Because all of my friends are self-employed.
I'm the only one of us that still has somewhat of a job if you can call it that. It depends on how you look at it, I guess. If you consider that I get a W-2 and that's a job. If that's the way you look at it, then by God, I have a job.
Me, I look at it as I contract my labor to my buddy who owns a trucking company. He covers all the overhead, the truck and the maintenance and administrative. I just drive the truck around and I get my cut of the profit from the load.
Purely in the state of mind, really. So it doesn't matter what job you have, you can look at it the same way. Because the truth is, you really are contracting your labor to the place that you work. And if it weren't for laws to prohibit it, I'm sure lots of people would make themselves independent contractors so they could have their own business and take more deductions from it.
That's one of the big things about Uber. They see where people are making a bunch of money and they're going to be able to deduct things that they don't normally deduct.
So they were attempting to make all Uber drivers and Lyft and good things like that be employees of the company. Which would completely destroy the business model, and ruin everything for everybody?
I think that's been put to rest. I sincerely hope so because it's a lot of people getting their little piece of the pie and sticking it to the man. It's just a good thing.
It gets more people in more of a business mindset, which is completely different from a consumer mindset. If you attempt to run a business with the consumer mindset, you are going to crash and burn. It's going to be beautiful, in its fiery destruction.
I know, because I've seen a lot of people do it. I've gotten rid of most of that. Luckily for me, I've thought mostly business-like my entire life, as far as spending money. What it's going to do for me, and what I'm going to get out of it, and so on.
I think that it's very important right, in the beginning, to get your head right. I was talking the other day about going to the Marshall Sylver seminar Turning Point.
I've got a deal going on right now where when people are my customers and they come into doing business with me, then I can offer them free tickets to this. I would say by all means and without question, you've got to learn this stuff. The earlier you do, the more money it will save you.
I was surrounded by a very high-level group of people there. They were talking about millions of dollars in transactions. For instance, property owners and property investors. It was just a different group.
A lot of them, almost half a dozen, or 10, somewhere around there, were guys that were at the highest level in this thing, which is a $50,000 price tag. They were still coming back to this initial seminar because it was that interesting to them. They still got some value from it. I thought that was cool.
I don't know what's a better testimonial than that. People who have spent $50,000 to be on the top of the heap, at the highest level, and they're still coming back to this one. So that was awesome.
If you want to ask me about that, that's cool. Send me a text or an email or something. I had some new numbers that I'm going to be putting out and all this stuff is coming through here.
If you're watching this, you might be on my email list already. If you're not, get on there, find a way. I'll likely move back and edit the videos and put in the comments or something. A note about how to go to a site where you can get on an email list. Cause I've got a lot of stuff to share. This year especially is going to be huge, and you won't want to miss it. It'll definitely help you wherever you're at.
There's that. I'm going to leave it at that for today because I feel like I've been talking... wow, looks like I'm over 5 minutes.
Holy cow.
That's about as long as I want to go for anything, so I hope you're having a beautiful day wherever you are.
It is absolutely awesome here.
I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm out.