Attractive Technology Investment MLM (Low Ticket & High Ticket Value)
Hello Reader,
My Name is Aubrey Pappoe and i am an Executive Broker for Solmax Global and i am going to be explaining to you what I do in a short and snappy manner. I am going to have some Links Below that Explains what our holding company does and how you can get paid as a network marketer.
Please use this link to sign up for free:
So I work in partnership with a holding company called igniter100
They specialise in Fintech companies ( which are anything to do with financial technology)
So the company has internal and external projects
They have 93 and counting external projects. External projects are the business’s that we have 1-10% equity stake in
And we have 6 internal projects. Which is one where we own 100% of the companies
These are some of the few external companies; FingoPay, SunHarvester, TukTukChai
You can have a look at them in your spare time
And internal projects we have two launched up and running that are generating income for us. Which are praticePA which is an accounting based software & YouRent which is a housing agency
And we’ve got many more
Please use the Following Links to Find out more details about our projects (which is our Product): (Open in Chrome if Doesn't work in another browser)
But if you would want to find out more about what we do. Would it be possible if we could set up a meeting and go through everything in our head office in Central London or Set up a Zoom Call for international Individuals.
Now going into the network marketing side of things
With This Compensation plan, this would benefit you and your Business a lot & could bring in tons of direct and residual income for you.
Now for the Network Marketing Part: As a holding company we have 1billion shares
510 million to the founders & 490million to the open market which is me, you & angel investors
The share price was at 0.1p December 2017, Now share price is on 0.19p
And share prices are continuously going up due to progression of the companies
So what I do is sell shares for the company As a broker
1 is a direct bonus. Direct bonus is you getting paid by the company for bringing in that investor. Direct Bonus is 10%
So if you brought in a £1000 investor you would get £100
If you brought in a £10,000 investor you’ll get £1,000
If you bring a £1,000,000 investor you’ll get £100,000 commission that same day
That is the main source of income
2 is network bonuses. So if you decided to build your team with your agency when they bring in volume into the company and you have two teams. If your right team does £10,000 on the right side and if they make £15,000 on the left side you get paid 10% of your teams volume on a weekly basis. So you would make £1,000 that week of your teams effort
( it’s a bit complicated but it gets more complicated)
3 ranks and rewards
Please use this link to find out more about the compensation plan and how you can earn: (Open in Chrome if Doesn't work in another browser)
If you liked what you read do sign up here: Questions you have please email me:
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