Let's Make Extra Money Together While Saving Lives
Hi, my name is Mpo
I'm so excited to tell you about business opportunity I'm involved in, it took me months to actually finally decide to join in this opportunity but I'm glad I did. Get your hands on the World's number one Immune Booster from Esylife (XIANGZHILING) as we all know we need natural herbs to boost our immune system. I realized in these trying times we are facing it's not easy for all of us, we need to have some extra cash on the side and be healthy at the same time. I'm so fortunate to have found this plartfom whereby I can advertise my business as it so hard these days to go out there and do face to face meetings trying to explain to people about these businesses.
Let's be more involved in businesses like these, online, marketingetc because people are also losing jobs through this pandemic we're facing
It lowers cholesterol, fights against Tuberculosis and Cancer, it restores energy levels, it boosts immune system for people with HIV/AIDS.
Cancer prevention, it helps regulates sugar for diabetic people, it increases white blood cells, it fights stroke, tumors and chronic diseases and a lot more.
I started using the product with my family especially my grandmother it helped her a lot as she was suffering from fibroids with her stomach growing big she almost got o, high blood pressure and others because of her old age but she is doing well now.
The most exciting part is that I joined to be a distributor in this company with only $11/R200 once off and every time I place an order I get a cash back for every box and also I get points that I can also convert them to cash..isn't that exciting:). I get cash for Recruiting, and per recruit I also get cash everytime they order and by reselling I make profit also.
Lastly if you join it doesn't mean you're forced to resell you can join and buy at stock price for your own consumption. There's more...
For more information please don't hesitate to contact me on mpondamase@gmail.com or 081 724 6424 via WhatsApp.
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