Do You Want To Be In The Top 2% Of Successful Business Owbers?
Do you want to be in The Top 2% Successful Business Owners?
There is no question that is takes motivation and hard work to be a successful business owner. You know you have that but what else separates you from the 98% of the US Economy.
There are a few “ Must Haves” to land you in the catogory of Succesful Business Owners, and there are only 2% of you. Let’s diffuse what You Must Have. You need to be THE expert of your trade . Most people gain this through stellar education and years of experience therefore do not expect to be the Top 2% at the age of 28. You will be setting yourself up for an obtainable goal .
Which leads me to your next important MUST HAVE . You must have a clear focus , obtainable goals and a well developed plan . Do not open your business being The Expert with the attitude of “ Let’s just see how it goes”. Even if it worked for someone before you it will not know. Our world has progressed and continues to at rapid rate . You need to continue to account and plan for that .
You need to measure , analysis and predict every avenue of your business .
Create multiple ways to earn revenue . Many people will tell you to stick to one business . I don’t believe in that . Have you ever heard the term “ a side hustle “. Now I mean that in a legitimate way . The way you want to create multiple ways to earn more revenue is by making the money you earn ..Earn More Money!
You can invest in another business, add another product line , and buy real estate .
Invest and dedicate your time into your community . Every citizen regardless of being a business owner or not should give back to their community . However , Business Owners have a greater responsibility i step up . Support your schools , mentor students , build field , give to the needy , or start a community project . Your community are your main followers . They are promoting and raving about you . Treat them well.
Lastly , the more skills , experience , qualifications and networks you have the better the chance your are getting to that Top 2% . Therefore the ideal age to start your own business is around 45-50.
Life is not a race . It’s not who gets there first ..It’s about who has more .
-Irene Vertullo Gersch MS
Marketing Educator and Engineer
Empowering You Marketing Engineering