Hempworx and the reason I live by it now.
I would like to introduce myself.My name is Carrie Davis and I have an amazing company with the best product on the market and it has been selected to receive the Seal and having that seal is big folks.Its the real deal I can say this.Well let me back up a little and put my why on here.My reasons for going with this company and trusting there products.
So I’ve been going through some health issues since I was 15 months old it started with Epilepsy.The memories of watching wheel of fortune and watching the wheel go around boom in a seizure,on way to hospital.It was pretty bad at times.I had them up until I was 13 bad ones (grandma)I was so relieved no more meds to take I’m healthy I’m just loving this new life I thought I was about to have Seizures free.Yes he answered my prayers he did he took the epilepsy away.Was good until 1999 Daughter had just turned 1 Cody was 5.I was busy being moma.Didnt have time to stop and go to doctor or eat a healthy diet.Well I was feeling so bad I would cook for kids and I would be on couch sleep throwing up a lot just sick all the time always something.Well I went and found out my sugar was high heard the word for real my grandma and baby sitter had diabetes but me no clue what to do for real.So nope didn’t take it seriously started on the pill within 3 months I was on insulin 6 months later Hypothyroidism was diagnosed.more meds.I struggled with diabetes so much back then close to heavens gate a lot earlier than I thought coma for 3 days sugar went up to 986.
So I adjusted my life to live a diabetic life the best way I could(.Struggle)The Anxiety and depression came more meds.The restless leg syndrome more meds.Neuropathy pain in feet more meds.Gastropersis in stomach more meds ulcers more meds.I looked like a walking pharmacy just wanted to feel normal again.I had to reach the point I knew I would never live a normal healthy no medicine taking Carrie.For got my sleep didn’t sleep good at all.
I had been watching and researching this Hempworx CBD Oils and the side affects and the testimony of people who had used it.I was like I can do this.Im going to try itI ordered my first bottle and was like I really don’t know if it going to work.First week I was sold on my second bottle now.Its amazing to sleep again and get up and me being overwhelmed was gone the butterflies and Nausea wasn’t there I was waiting on it I knew it was coming it always did.
I know this is a long story but it’s a true story of me and how I got here.I want to change someone else life Go on my website check out the FREE tour of the business.And once you do your free tour you can join the business right now for 20 and a team is set up and you make money memories and new BFFs.No comments yet