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Do you hate paying 'grudge' purchases?

In the 18 years I have been a financial advisor, I have found that people fall into one of two categories. Either they have no idea what their actual financial needs are and live under a misconception that they are well covered. Or they do have an idea, but just cannot afford the full solution.

In the first instance, they buy some insurance based on affordability and convince themselves that the amount they chose will be sufficient to provide for their families or themselves should tragedy strike. They have no idea how to calculate risk requirements, or how to determine the required capital based on a variety of circumstances. They hate having to spend money on risk products and say things like,: "Why should I spend money on a product that I don't ever benefit from?", or "My spouse will remarry anyhow, why should I support another man/woman?", or "I don't believe in insurance, it's a rip-off and they always find a way not to pay".

In the second instance, people again buy what they can afford, but often have to do without essential products such as a good health plan, or an income replacement policy as a result of financial constraints. They feel the ned for cover and would love to be able to afford it, but instead, tell themselves that putting food on the table is more important than making provision for an eventuality that may never occur.

There is another problem one should also address at this point, and that is the scary fact that only 2% of the world's population can afford to retire financially independently. The rest of the population has to either work until they are physically unable to do so, rely on the state for a grant or depend on the goodwill of their children or the greater community. I have found a way to assist both the groups mentioned above and help people become financially free within a 10 year period, thus eradicating the last problem, with Giniis.

The Gini coefficient is an economic term used to measure the inequality in the spread of wealth of a country, and Giniis seeks to enable all people to afford quality financial education, products, advice and the means to pay for this through an affiliate referral platform. Once you refer friends to Giniis, you will start earning referral commissions. These commissions should be used to pay for all your 'grudge' purchases, such as medical aid, life cover, disability cover, car and household insurance, retirement funding and later asset accumulation. 

You will also be given ongoing education in the form of a 5-year personal finance certification course. This course will cover all aspects of personal finance, including; how to calculate risk, debt consolidation, investment classes, opportunities, and products, asset accumulation, estate planning, retirement planning, personal development, dream building, goal setting, how to create passive income and multiple streams of income and much more. Each year will represent a further level of understanding and advancement and at the end of 5 years, every member should have a thorough understanding of all aspects pertaining to personal finance.

Initially, members will join and start their financial freedom journey by finding their 'why' and understanding what makes them excited and motivated to continue the journey. We will do a personal Financial Needs Analysis with each individual so that they are able to put time lines to their dreams and turn them into goals. Thereafter, we will work with each one to reach their highest potential with the step-by-step blueprint to changing perceptions, habits, and misconceptions. We will advise and guide people to make the right choices for their financial future. It is our belief that each person who joins Giniis can have a comprehensive portfolio of financial products all subsidized by our referral system in as little as a few months. 

We want all our members to have the best medical aid, never have to worry about their family's wellbeing should something happen to them, make sure their children can study at whichever institution they desire and retire in comfort. We believe that every person has the ability to achieve greatness and we want to make sure that everyone who joins Giniis not only has the opportunity to live the life they desire but also can leave the world a better place because of their existence.

If you are tired of paying for 'grudge' purchases, would like your premiums subsidized, or would like to part take in our persoanl finance certification course, please visit our website to sign up Click here to find out more.

This article was published on 28.03.2017 by Claire Newdigate
Author's business opportunity:

Giniis - Financial Education , 26 USD to join

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