The world’s economic activities revolve round these financial markets. Anyone who knows the heart beat of these markets will always be in a position to make good money in and out of season. A brief look into these markets will expose the benefits inherent in them.
Crypto Market
The crypto market is a novelty of a kind and the latest of all market having spanning about a decade now amidst rejection and the fight for adoption. It is a market of a real world master-slave relationship between bitcoin and other altcoin. Each time the master bitcoin sneezes, the other altcoins catch cold. The crypto market is a bitcoin dominant and it hitherto dictates the pace, movement and direction of the crypto market space. The crypto general is an extension of the evolution of money which transcends from barter, gold, fiat and crypto.
The decentralization and high volatility for which the crypto is known among other uncommon factors remain the shortcomings preventing some institutional entity from adopting them as tools for their businesses. The utterances and remarks of JP Morgan Chase Bank CEO and other institutional big wigs were instrumental in many ways in this direction until his recent rescinding and reversal that saw his bank adopting ethereum as the blockchain platform to be used by their banking blockchain needs. This announcement few days ago almost doubled the price of ethereum within 48 hours. Very volatile market space you will say. That is the beauty and attraction of the market for those that really understand the trends.
Also another major blockchain player that may go the choice of many banks is the ripples (XRP) blockchain. Besides been the most suitable built for the banking needs, it is one of the major centralized crypto platforms that meet the traditional banking norms and operations. Ripple will sure cause a ‘ripple’ effect in no distance time in the banking sector for blockchain adoption needs. Watch out for it!
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Forex Market
The Forex market is next in volatility to crypto but with the highest liquidity of over 5 trillion dollars. The Forex market commands a lot of control globally. It is just one market that is recession proof for obvious reasons. The greatest strength of Forex is the liquidity that make it attractive. As long as there is buying and selling on the international scene, Forex must be involved. It is almost an indispensible instrument international and cross border trade.
The involvement of AI and robotics in trading and other out of box techniques by expert has made this space more exciting, interesting and rewarding. Manual trading with the traditional rudiments alone is fast becoming obsolete and costly. This is as a result of the recurring losses recorded over time on trade.
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Stocks Market
The stocks market otherwise known as the equity market is one of the oldest financial market that cuts across majority of the business sphere. Whatever the niche a business belongs to as long as it is listed in the stock exchange, it is reflected in this market. Although it suffers in the face of recession by the bear taking is tool on it, however, the strength of the stocks market lies on the existence of various businesses of which the market can only be said to have crumbled when all such business stops to exist. You cannot imagine the closure of limited liability companies, groups, corporations, multinationals, conglomerates, etc. The stocks market is a broader picture of the traditional business space.
Future Market
The future market deals with investment product that is built around buying and selling commodities at a later date. The future market encourages speculation and part payment of the forecasted commodity in view. The future markets include crude oil, natural gas, corn, wheat, precious metals and Treasury bill, etc.
There are several future exchanges where these commodities are sold. Common ones include The New York Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board of Options Exchange, the Chicago Climate Futures Exchange, the Kansas City Board of Trade, and the Minneapolis Grain Exchange, etc.
Government Bond Market
This market is a sure deal anytime and any day. It differs from country to country and remains the safest form of capital investments in any known deal although with the least form of interest. Government bonds are assured except in the case where the country crumbles and ceased to exist. Most financial savvy individuals and corporations prefer this market because the level of security it offers. This liberty of financial instrument to raise funds for government is sometimes extended to the lower tiers of government like the state and other lower tiers. The Government bond also has a savings undertone as a main characteristic.
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