1 in 4 Americans Without Work ALL Need Karatbars Gold
A new chart from the minority side of the Senate Budget Committee shows a startling fact: Almost 1 in 4 Americans between the ages of 25-54 (or prime working years) are not working.
"There are 124.5 million Americans in their prime working years (ages 25–54). Nearly one-quarter of this group—28.9 million people, or 23.2 percent of the total—is not currently employed. They either became so discouraged that they left the labor force entirely, or they are in the labor force but unemployed. This group of non-employed individuals is more than 3.5 million larger than before the recession began in 2007," writes the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee.
"Those attempting to minimize the startling figures about America’s vanishing workforce—workplace participation overall is near a four-decade low—will say an aging population is to blame. But in fact, while the workforce overall has shrunk nearly 10 million since 2009, the cohort of workers in the labor force ages 55 to 64 has actually increased over that same period, with many delaying retirements due to poor economic conditions.
"In fact, over two-thirds of all labor force dropouts since that time have been under the age of 55. These statistics illustrate that the problems in the American economy are deep, profound, and pervasive, afflicting the sector of the labor force that should be among the most productive."
Gold Bars - Public Domain--Did you know that the number of gold bars being purchased by ultra-wealthy individuals has increased by 243 percent so far this year? If stocks are just going to keep soaring, why are they doing this? This is the same kind of "bubble" behavior that we saw right before the dot com crash. Financial markets are increasingly unstable. There are many who are investing in "hot tech" stocks, and there is a dangerous sense of market complacency. Investors have been induced into feeling good. This is known as the "wealth effect". But the ultra-wealthy are not following this path. They are making moves to protect themselves, namely purchasing gold. Why? Because gold is the one thing that has held its value throughout history. Certainly, the price fluctuates somewhat. But it has been used throughout time as a stable form of currency. The wealthy are able to keep and preserve their wealth for a reason.
So what can you do if you or anyone you know are part of these depressing statistics? Visit my website http://workherewithdave.com to learn more about how to take your earning potential into your own hands.
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