Summer is here.
Summer is here and so are the bugs.
Protect yourself today
With our skin so.soft bug guard.
Right now they are on sale for $20/2
The E.P.A. recommends our products as safe to use.
You can order the products onli e at and save money on all your Avon products by using code WELCOME10 when you check out.
Want to become a Rep and enjoy savings, free trips, and so much more. Just go to and use my reference code laurasrockingdivas to sign up.
Reach out to me for more information.
I would be glad to have you as a customer as well as a team member on my team.
Avon is a great company to represent and you will enjoy sharing your favorite products with your friends, families, and co workers. I joined Avon 3 years ago and have loved the oppprtunity.
Let me share with you a way to supplement your income with Avon.
Avon also supports breast cancer and domestic violence programs to help women and others affected by these issues that are devastating.
Do you need a fundraiser for any club or organization or school that you are affiliated with. Avon offers great fundraisers and now they are done online which is great or you can still do the traditional paper flyers.
Avon is a great opportunity for both men and women. Avon offers products for everyone in your family as well.
I would love to talk to anyone that is interested in knowing more about the opportunity, the way to purchase prodycts. You can shop my EStore everyday 24 hours. The link to my store is check it out for all your Avon needs today.
You can also follow me on Facebook at
You can email me at christinaaug1970@gmail and you can also text message me about Avon at 864 541 3842. Get in touch if you or anyone you know wants to buy or Sell Avon, then please reach out to me as I would love to talk to you all about Avon. It is a great company that helps woman and men support their families by giving them extra income to supplement their finances and help them get ahead in life. I.would love to talk with any interested in Avon. Reach out and message me today at
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