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Reveal adverts globally is  an E-commerce platform that makes the world come closer to you  as we grow together. 

It helps you sell your commodities online and earn a commission, You renew your account monthly as a seller

But worry not it also has an agent affiliate marketing  where you do a one time activation of 5 USD(500ksh) 

It works with referrals to generate income hence cryptocurrency,  You earn 400ksh direct referral commission 

And  50ksh indirect referral commission. 


1. One time activation of 500ksh (5USD). 

2. It makes up to 20USD (2000ksh) a day by just doing referrals. 

3.withdrawals are done anytime and they are instant to your mpesa wallet.. Its automatic 

NB: ones you have activated your account the money is nonrefundable because the amount is credited  to the one who invited you automatically.  But worry not since when you do referrals you  are credited automatically  and its automatic.... You won't regret joining reveal adverts  globally... 

Reveal allows sellers sell their products on the platform and allows buyers to buy products on the platform. 


yeah reveal globally is legit, but it needs you to work in order to earn,  clients can't come on their own 

It calls for your duty to do referrals everyday to earn... 

NOTE: you can't earn from pending referrals follow your clients and make them activate their accounts

(In order to earn your referee must pay the registration fee of 500ksh) 

... How  do I get more clients? 

1. Join MLM gateway 

2 . Join more Facebook groups 

3. Post on different fb groups everyday 

4. Do save for save,  choose WhatsApp for communication 

REVEAL ADVERTS GLOBALLY is legit you got the opportunity with you 

It's more fortuned since the customer services are solved immediately with no delays 

It pays you through mpesa wallet and bank only

 Do reveal adverts globally cost you for transactions? 

Yes it does,  when activating your account  you spend  23ksh as a transaction cost

And when withdrawing from it you spend 35ksh as a withdrawal cost

This article was published on 10.07.2020 by Wesley Angwenyi
Author's business opportunity:

Reveal adverts globally - Cashback, 5 USD to join

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