Be healthy and be wealthy.
The name of our Company is Immeri.
Immer is gotten from a Germany word wish means eternity and the I stands for international.
So immerse means: Built to last. This is boldly written in all our offices. Immeri is a Company with a solid foundation. The founders have over 100 yrs of experience in the direct selling industry. So you don't have to be afraid of doing business with us.
Immeri is a Global Company where you earn from people all over the world. Currently immersed in 8 Countries right now.
The Company has basically 3 products for now.
1. The Vaginne takes care of 99% of gyno issues in women. Namely: infection, itching, dryness of the virgina, blocked tubes, fibroid, hormonal imbalance, low libido, menopause, irregular mense, restoration of menses, and many more.
2. Adwelle work on digestion it contain basically 5 biological enzymes namely
Lipase break down oil and cholesterol
Protease break down protein
Amylase breakdown carbohydrates
Antioxidant enzyme breakdown free radicals (poison and inflammations)
Fibrinolytic enzyme breakdown fibers.
In all Adwelle works on digestion and boosts the immune system. It also treats ulcers, gallstones, kidney problems, diabetes, indigestion, constipation, regulates intestinal ph, etc.
3. Vitide work on the cells. It treats all health problems from the cellular level. It contains vitamins and peptides. It contains 17amino acids and amino acids are the food for the cells. It builds new cells and eliminates the bad cells. It enhances cell multiplication and reduces the dieing effects of cells. It is anti-aging, takes care of Cancer, HIV, infection, eliminate fatigue, boost immune, reduces weight, protects the cells, arthritis and rheumatism, waist pain, BP, etc
4.. Face Mask...for facial treatments...
We are not just concerned about your health, we are also concerned about your financial status, joining immeri will change your life for good. It's a network marking company. All that is required of you is just 3downliines and you are on your way to becoming a millionaire. Incentives, international trips, Cars, Houses, money,..etc.USE THE PRODUCTS, SELL THE PRODUCT AND INVITE OTHERS.
IMMERI BUSINESS, No monthly target, No forfeiture of points, No leg balancing, No binary system, No compulsory product purchase. Only 3 downlines, Real-time payment, cash transfer to a local bank account, incentives, Transparent there is no other MLM company to join except IMMERI. send me a direct message, let's get you started on your financial freedom