MLM Adultery? What Is It And How To Avoid It
Have you ever heard of the term MLM Adultery?
Most have not, and many commit it.
So let's take a look at what it means, and most important, how to avoid committing it and avoiding those who try it on you.
What MLM Adultery Means
It basically means what it sounds like.
Being unfaithful to your team or company, and being a person who pushes to flip people in other companies over into theirs.
Now, it's always cool to ask people if they are open to a new project.
But if you are ever told "I'm happy where I am at" then pushing your business onto that person becomes MLM adultery.
There is a solution to doing business with people who are involved in other opportunities, without pushing them to quit their current project and join yours.
Think of it, what if they are new to the opportunity they are in? It would be a waste of their investment to throw it away the same month they joined.
How To Provide Solutions When People Are Happy Where They Are
If a prospect ever tells you they are happy where they are, you do not want to keep pushing your business onto them.
It will be unattractive to the prospect, and very rarely if ever work.
So, you need resources to offer prospects to lay the foundation down, and even collect commissions for your own business.
Never recommend a resource you do not believe in just to get a commission however. Only recommend the resources, tools, systems and training that you personally found lots of value with.
Without having resources like these to offer, if a prospect is not wanting to move companies, you have no way to keep the relationship between you and them, but no way either to get any income for your business.
NOTE: If you need a resource to offer happy prospects, visit my latest blog post and you can access the best of them
Final Thoughts On MLM Adultery
It is not a good way to build your business, and many of us have done it in the past.
Always have resource to offer your prospects when they are happy where they are at.
No one wants jumpers in their team, or someone in their team trying to get others involved in a second company (cross recruiting).
If someone tries to get you to commit MLM adultery, be sure to stand firm and let them know you're not recruitable.
If they try the "My product is better than yours", keep in mind it's their opinion.
I've never kept in touch with those who try to bash what I do in order to get me on their team. It doesn't work, and it is never going to help your brand.
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