How to Thrive During the Coronavirus Pandemic
How to Thrive During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Sharman R. Hankins, RN, MSN, PNP
March 15, 2020
I would like to talk about how to thrive during the current coronavirus pandemic. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, countries around the world have closed their borders and a national emergency was declared here in the United States of America on Friday, March 13th, 2020.
The purpose of my article is to provide clarity and calmness in the middle of confusion and fear that has been evident in other countries as well as here in the USA. I want to talk about ways we can protect ourselves and remain calm through better understanding.
Why am I writing about this topic? Well, let me tell you a little more about myself, so that you will know why. I have many years of experience as a registered nurse and nurse practitioner. I love to help people and teach them about preventive health measures.
Let me mention some ways that we can protect ourselves:
Wash hands with soap and running water for 20 seconds (the time it takes to sing happy birthday twice) before and after touching people, before and after cooking or eating, and before and after going to the restroom.
Use alcohol-based hand gel if not in a place where you can wash your hands.
Studies have shown that proper handwashing is more effective than cleansing with hand gel but hand gel should be used if unable to wash your hands.
Keep 6 feet (2 yards) away from people whom you don’t know have been exposed to coronavirus or not
Cover your face with your sleeve and turn away if anyone coughs or sneezes
Cover your face with your sleeve and turn away if you cough or sneeze
If you blow your nose with a tissue, throw it in a trash can, then go wash your hands right away.
Gargling with lukewarm saltwater to cleanse throat (may help)
Avoid large gatherings of people
If you have a small gathering of people, assure that they have not been exposed to coronavirus
Remember that people can be carriers of the coronavirus even if they don’t have any symptoms
What are the symptoms of coronavirus?
Shortness of Breath (CDC, 2020)
Possibly sore throat
Emergency Symptoms:
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
New confusion or inability to arouse
Bluish lips or face (CDC, 2020)
Remember, everyone may not have the same symptoms...symptoms may vary.
Q & A
Question: Do facemasks protect against coronavirus?
Answer: Facemasks can help protect but are not a guarantee against being exposed to coronavirus. The virus can “innoculate” a person through the eyes, nose or mouth (mucous membranes). Surgical masks can become less protective when used longer than 10-15 minutes because breathing moistens the mask and makes it more porous. N-95 masks are less porous but are reserved for medical personnel at this time.
Question: What if I can’t find any hand gel?
Answer: You can make your own. Pour 60 milliliters of isopropyl alcohol into a bottle; then 40 milliliters of Forever aloe vera gelly (you can order from me); mix gently; add a couple drops of tea tree oil (antimicrobial) for a refreshing scent. Put the cap onto the bottle and you’re ready to go!
Question: What can I do to boost my immune system?
Answer: There are a few things you can do to boost your immune system.
Keep your body alkaline. You can do this by drinking green tea or alkaline water. I drink 2 liters of green tea a day, I make in the form of iced tea. I also drink alkaline water. Eat alkaline foods (you can Google this for alkaline food lists).
Drink your favorite health drink with a probiotic every morning on an empty stomach (to detoxify your body)...inbox me for details on how I do it. I drink Forever aloe vera gel with Forever Supergreens and Argi+ mixed in.
Take a powerful antioxidant. I drink Forever Pomesteen Power (powerful antioxidant) and also Resveratrol (super-powerful antioxidant) every day. Resveratrol is found in grapeseeds and grape skins. The product I take is 500 times more powerful than a glass of red wine. I have a copy of a European study that shows that Resveratrol (500 X more powerful than a glass of red wine) diminishes the potency of the coronavirus. Ask me for a copy of the research study if you are interested.
Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep at night
Meditation and prayer has been shown to strengthen the immune system
Stay positive and focused; don’t let fear overwhelm you; fear has been known to weaken the immune system.
While you’re home, stay busy doing projects and hobbies that you love. Read inspirational books or listen to podcasts. Try not to watch TV all the time.
If you are a home-based business owner, use this time to focus on growing your brand online.*
If you would like to consult with me about my innovative digital marketing strategies, feel free to book a call with me on this link:
*This brief article is in no way intended to be complete information about coronavirus. It is not intended to replace a personalized consultation with your health care provider.
I do not claim to diagnose, treat or prescribe in any way. This is general, common knowledge which can be found in nursing and medical evidence-based studies.
If you want to find accurate, detailed information about the coronavirus, go to the Center for Disease Control website at:
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