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Why Does A Baker, Bake?

I was sitting and thinking in silence the other day, as I do sometimes, wondering ‘why do I do, what I do?’

Why do I get up everyday and make calls and send emails? Why do I accept rejection? And for some strange reason I asked myself ‘why does a baker, bake?’

Does she or he bake because they just love pastries, breads, tarts and pies and all the other products?

Or, does he or she bake because they love to help people?

Or does a baker set up shop to make money?

A baker spends a lot of money to set up shop so he can not only make a return on his investment, but also make a monthly income.

I got involved in Network Marketing to make money, just like the baker, who bakes to make money!

The advantages I have over the baker is I had a much lower start up cost.

I don't have any employees, just eager and ambitious business partners.

I don't have to buy business insurance and I don't have to rent a building, yet a portion my home rent is tax deductible. So is part of my phone and internet.

I don't have to buy raw materials and input a ton of time to create inventory.

My business grows in spite of me, his doesn't.

I'm glad I'm not a baker.

Some of the things I was looking for in a Network Marketing company, when I was looking were,

1.    A company that had integrity, leadership, vision and was financially viable.

2.    A company less than 5 years old but older than 2 years and experiencing month over month growth.

3.    A company that had an affordable monthly purchase requirement. In any company, Network Marketing or otherwise, you can’t make money unless there’s sales volume being generated. Period!

4.    A product that had mass appeal and mass acceptance. I don’t want to try to convince people they need to take products they’re not already using or have to send complicated scientific information.

5.    A company that had a compensation plan that would pay part time people well and full time people extremely well.

6.    An opportunity that was simple and anyone could do around what they’re already doing.

Feel free to call me anytime


>>Take a Peek<<

This article was published on 23.01.2017 by Bob Broughton
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