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Crowdfunding For Business and Personal Cashflow

Crowdfunding is the best way to raise money for personal causes and business startups and projects, side hustle, and nonprofit, without going into debt. Let me introduce you to Coop Life peer-to-peer crowdfunding system that’s changing the crowdfunding platform to receive donations immediately and stress free. For entrepreneurs and donation seekers, using the Coop Life peer-to-peer crowdfunding method are raising funds expediently compared to other crowdfunding platforms. This crowdfunding method provides a cashflow benefit plan that gives entrepreneurs and donation seekers a proven way to easily get desired funds for causes, projects, and basic financial needs immediately and consistently.

Crowdfunding Explained

Crowdfunding is:

• When entrepreneurs and individuals want to raise small amounts of money from lots of people in their personal and professional network to reach a specific financial goal, through donations

• Based on Marketing - i.e., when you sell your product, your service, your mission, vision, or dream to people who want to buy into it

• A low risk, efficient path to getting funds for personal needs, business projects or causes to support.

Why Use Crowdfunding

• Crowdfunding is a perfect way to build interest in your cause or business.

• Crowdfunding is sharing your campaign with your personal and professional network using social media, email marketing, and in-person events to receive contributions for your campaign.

An effective crowdfunding campaign requires a marketing strategy for your personal cause or business project. A key marketing tool in promoting your campaign is social media.

There are three types of crowdfunding:

• Rewards Base: selling product/service in exchange for cash

• Donation Base: state a specific cause and request a donation to fund it

• Equity Base: Selling product/service in exchange for equity

Reason To Crowdfund

Proven Demand

• Crowdfunding lets you share and show there is a demand for your product or service and real need for your cause. Using crowdfunding allows you to introduce your business and cause to the public to establish a demand.

Drive Sales & Marketing

• Marketing is essential and can be expensive in funding a campaign promotion. With crowdfunding you can raise the needed capital to market and promote your business or cause by telling your story as a marketing piece.

Build Interest and Awareness

• If no one knows you exist you don't have a business, it’s a hobby. Informing the public is a timely and costly expense. When you use crowdfunding, it puts your business and cause on the map in front of many opportunities for exposure.

Alternative Funding Source

• Business seeking funds from venture capital is a slim to no chance. As a donation seeker getting a loan when funds are badly needed is not what you want or can get. This is how crowdfunding can address and solve the money problem without going into debt.

Funding A Cause

• Life happens and money is needed. With crowdfunding if you have a project or cause that you are passion about and want to financially support, crowdfunding is the money source that provides the needed funds.

Traditional Crowdfunding vs Cashflow Benefit Plan

Have A Pitch

Create a crowdfunding campaign requires a pitch to explain the why and what of your funding needs. Having a perfect pitch is extremely valuable and critical in getting donations.

Traditional Crowdfunding 

A pitch should consists of:

• 15 second elevator pitch

• Introduce yourself

• Identify problem trying to solve

• Show how funding will solve the problem

• Tell why the funding is important to you

• Ask for support

Cashflow Benefit Plan Using Coop Life

No pitch required.

Have a project and a desire to fund your cause using a three step process Give, Share and Receive

Have A Marketing Campaign

Traditional Crowdfunding

Marketing Campaign consists of doing videos, investing in photos, talking into a camera for 5 minutes is a must to get donations

Cashflow Benefit Plan Using Coop Life

Marketing to 3 people who have a project or cause and a desire to work collectively and cooperatively together sharing with 3 people lays the foundation for donations given and received to fund causes.

Offer Rewards

Traditional Crowdfunding

Your reward is associated with what is your business (service/product) and what is your personal cause (funds requested) that a person would want to fund? 

Your rewards should speak to the interests and needs of your network, who are your backers and might want to financially support you. You should offer a token of appreciation gift for backing your campaign

Cashflow Benefit Plan Using Coop Life  

The reward offered to the 3 people who join you as a team in funding causes receive immediate residual cashflow funding as a reward for their donation

Is Crowdfunding Right For You

To put it simply, raising money for your personal or business cause isn’t easy. It requires asking people for a donation to your cause. In today's reality most people have their own issues and causes that need funding.

Let's look at some startling facts about traditional crowdfunding:

• $34 Billion have been raised through crowdfunding worldwide.

• A quarter (22.9%) of all crowdfunding campaigns end up being successful

• An individual crowdfunding campaign raises an average of $568.

• The average campaigns raised and average of $33,430

• A typical crowdfunding campaign earns $5,270

• Nearly three quarters (78%) of successful crowdfunding campaigns exceed their funding goals

• A successful campaign has an average of 316 backers

• Only a third of Americans (36%) are familiar with crowdfunding

• The average crowdfunding donor is 24 to 35 years old

• A successful campaign has an average of 316 backers

• Only a third of Americans (36%) are familiar with crowdfunding

Today crowdfunding is a more viable financial option for personal causes and professional projects needing capital to fund their passions. For MLM, network and affiliate marketers building a successful team is key in generating a steady and reliable cashflow. This is how crowdfunding can take your business to the next level as an additional stream of income or a supportive cash incentive for team members and customers that will not interfere with you are currently doing.

Start Using Crowdfunding  For Business and Personal Cashflow

Need more money than you have now... Got an idea, project or cause that needs some extra money... Check out how the Cashflow Benefit Plan and Coop Life are changing the crowdfunding game and helping people worldwide, with a proven track record and history, helping businesses and individuals receive immediate residual cashflow donations from 3 people through the universal principle of Give Share and Receive that is making a difference in the lives of so many people worldwide.

Who is Cashflow Benefit Plan For

This for people looking for a real opportunity that’s cutting edge with a real purpose and can be done with skilled and unskilled business builders. This is for LEADERS with a vision and mindset ready to step outside the box to build a health and wealth financial legacy of passing on generational health instead of illness and generation wealth instead of poverty.

This article was published on 26.07.2021 by Njideka N. Olatunde
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