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‎WEALTH STEP BY STEP -The Science of Wealth and Freedom.

Imagine getting up, having breakfast, and then taking your kids to  school.  Then maybe you stop by the gym for a workout or go for a jog.   You get back home, shower, and "commute" to your home office in a spare  bedroom.  You handle all business by phone, text and email.  By  afternoon, you take time off and go pick up your kids from school, then  help them with their homework before dinner.

You run your business on your schedule, working when it's convenient for  you.  You get to raise your own kids instead of paying someone else to  raise them.  Spending meaningful time with your spouse and family is now  a reality, all while you are building your business and financial  security.

If you are looking for an honest, legitimate business you can be proud  of, you've found it!  Don't procrastinate, get started today.  With our  30 day, money back guarantee, you literally have nothing to lose and  everything to gain.  Successful people are the ones who take action.   See you at the top!Dear Colleague,  

So what exactly is the difference between the people who become wealthy  and successful and those that struggle and scrape by?  Why do some  people enjoy their work and make a lot of money doing it, while others  fight to get by in a job or business they hate?  What does it take to  find the right path for you and build financial security?  I submit it  takes three factors; let's take a look at them.Factor #1  You Must Be Your Own Boss
   The only way to take control of your life is to stop giving people power  over you.  When you work for others, they tell you what to do, decide  your salary, and grant you vacations if they feel like it.  If you want  to become wealthy, you need to be able to look in the mirror and know  you are talking to the boss.  

If you work for a big (or small) company, any day could be the one you  dread. The day they call you into the boss's office and hand you your  walking papers.

You could be a loyal employee for ten, fifteen or even thirty years, and  one day it can end. Just like that. Reports indicate that over 5.5  million jobs have been eliminated worldwide due to corporate downsizing  in the past ten years. With the recent recession, downsizing has  increased dramatically from an already staggering percentage. The chance  you could lose your job is a frightening reality in today's world.Factor #2  You Must Employ The Principle Of Leverage
  J. Paul Getty, who was one of the wealthiest people the world has ever  known, once said, "I would rather have 1% of the efforts of 100 people,  than 100% of my own efforts."  He understood leverage.   

In his "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" book series, author Robert Kiyosaki points  out that poor people work for money and rich people make their money  work for them.  Mr. Kiyosaki owns more than 7,000 rental houses - that's  leverage!  If you want to be wealthy, you have to escape the  "trading-hours-for-money" trap.

By the way, this holds true even for those with "good" jobs and people  that own their own business!  Many doctors, lawyers and other  professionals are still trading hours for pay and missing out completely  on leverage.   

Even many owners of traditional businesses (retail store, hair salon,  plumber etc.) are still trapped "trading-hours-for-money".  Ask many of  them and they will tell you that they don't own the business, the  business owns them!Factor #3  You Must Build Residual IncomeThink about famous writers and musicians.  They write a book or song  once, but get paid every time another book or song is sold on the  internet.  They do the job once, but get paid continuously into the  future.

Residual income builds freedom, because once you have established it,  you get paid whether you work more or not!  One of our industry experts  likes to refer to this as "drinking out of a coconut" money.  Meaning of  course, that once you build a solid foundation, you can sit on a beach  in Hawaii or Tahiti and still get paid.  Residual income is one of the  most important elements of financial security and true prosperity.We Show You How to Work Smarter.....Not Harder!
  When you were a kid people probably used to tell you, "Work hard and you  will succeed."  There is some truth to that, but hard work by itself  isn't the whole secret.  Has all that hard work made you wealthy yet?

After closely watching a lot of wealthy people, carefully studying how  they produced BIG MONEY, we began to figure out that hard work by itself  isn't enough.  You usually don't gain real wealth by just working hard,  you have to work smart.Success One Day At A Time
 You may be wondering, "How can I be successful?"  John C. Maxwell, a  popular author, speaker and leadership expert, who has sold more than 18  million books said, "Who doesn't desire success?  It may seem peculiar  to ask that question.  Yet most of the people you know will never  achieve success.  They'll dream about it.  They'll talk about it.  But  most of them won't possess it.  And that's a shame.  Why is that?   Because most people don't understand success.  It isn't the lottery.   You don't stop at the corner convenience store on the way home, buy a  ticket, and then wait for success to strike.  Nor is it a place you find  when you reach some magical time of life.  Success is not a destination  thing, it is a daily thing.  The only way to achieve real success is to  do it one day at a time.  To be successful, you don't need to be lucky  or rich.  But you do need to know this:You are what you do daily.
You first form your habits; then your habits form you.
It is just as easy to form habits of success as it is to form habits of failure.
Every day you live, you are in the process of becoming.  Whether you are  becoming better or worse depends on what you give yourself to."Escape The Rat Race Forever
 If you can't control your life, then you can never achieve the things  you want.  You will always be somewhere else other than where you want  to be, saying to yourself, "If I could only do this or have that, then I  would be happy."  And then after so many years of feeling like you are  someone's inferior, you may begin to think that you don't deserve the  things you want. More than expensive cars, boats, houses or silk suits,  most of us really want something simpler. We want to be happy. The only  way to avoid being a wage slave is to quit the rat race and the sooner  the better! This inevitably means that you must go to work for yourself.The Best Benefits
Our work from home program offers some of the best benefits you will  find today.  The income potential is virtually unlimited, as you  determine how much you work, and how big you want to build your  business.  Our unique opportunity offers you the chance to:Earn what you are truly worth
Choose the people you want to work with
Travel around the country or the world (if you care to)
Pick the hours you work
Become successful while you help others reach success.


This article was published on 24.08.2023 by Goddy Ken Madukwe
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