Park Lane Jewelry
I am a wife and a mom with 2 grown children and work full time at Washington University in St. Louis. I have always had my own business as a creative outlet and enjoyed the extra money I have been able to make. I love to travel, worship lead at my church, and of course shop! I also own my own online clothing boutique. I know! I am crazy! I just love to keep busy and I love fashion!
I love so many things about Park Lane but love that they place you at the level you were at in your previous company if you were with another direct sales company before. In addition, you will never lose that position! I love that it is a family owned business for 64 years and debt free. I was also able to keep my 40% commission level I had at my other company instead of starting over. The host rewards are phenomenal for our customers also and we can host our own shows and get those same rewards!
Currently, I am working toward earning a trip to Ireland and would love to have as many join me as possible! All expenses paid! If you love to travel, Park Lane sponsors 2 trips every year! And you can earn one for your spouse, children etc!! How fun is that??
I love that there are no quotas or minimums to stay active and no one will ever pressure you to sell or sponsor.
No inventory to maintain and we get the same sales and discounts as our customers do!
Jewelry and extra money is always nice but the best reward from being a part of thus company has been the support of other women and the confidence I have gained in stepping out if maybe comfort zone. You can't put a price tag in that.
When you join Park Lane now you will get $1250 in jewelry YOU choose, one year membership to your website, and all supplies needed to do a show for $229!!
I am looking forward to sharing my love of fashion, styling, and jewelry with anyone interested to see if it's a good fit for you too! Please contact me if you are interested in more information on becoming a stylist:
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