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If you have the mindset that you’re going to get into business for yourself and become a thousandaire or a millionaire overnight, you’re sadly mistaken. And if this level of income is your honest expectation or if someone told you “get in and make thousands overnight”, you have a “huge” wakeup call heading your way. Yes… you can earn a very lucrative residual income in network marketing, but you have to give your “business” time to mature and you have to give “yourself” time to mature. Your business will grow one member at a time, but these new members aren’t going to join you every day. You have to stay focused and continue to share your business with as many people as possible over a long period of time. Over time, realistic time, as in 1-3 years, you can potentially make hundreds to thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars a month in residual income. But let me be clear, no one is going to build your business for you, no one is going to place big leaders below you if you’re not a leader or striving to be one yourself, and no one is going to carry you. I have a training section that talks about the Small Business Administration (SBA) and I show how a Sponsor is similar to the SBA. Check it out.

Tip: If you have to beg someone to be on your team… it means you will have to beg them to work. Never enroll someone who is not ready and clearly committed to growing their business. And NEVER pay their way in.

If you give your opportunity a full year (365 days) and follow your leaders by doing what they ask, it will lead you to the success you’re after. But you have to WORK your business, just as you would with a brick and mortar type business. Remember, YOUR success is vital to all those above you, so you need to blow up the phones of your leaders and make them work for you. Leaders want to help you and watch you succeed, but they can’t force their help on someone if their help isn’t invited. Your team leaders can’t possibly know where you’re struggling unless you pick up the phone and TELL them. Leaders can’t fix what they don’t know is broken. Leaders can’t direct you on a path if YOU don’t know what path you want to take.

DO YOU REALLY WANT TO QUIT BEFORE YOU FIND THOSE DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH? YOU’RE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK TO BECOMING SUCCESSFUL. Give yourself reasonable TIME to learn your business. If you quit in your first 6-9 months, that’s on YOU and no one else. YOU didn’t give yourself reasonable TIME. If you quit, it means YOU didn’t have what it took to make it. It means you stopped believing in what you were doing. It means you’ve lost your WHY and the main reason that got you in this industry in the first place. It means you’re not a serious builder and didn’t “really” want that luxury lifestyle or the time and financial freedom you keep telling others you want. It means you allowed “others” to talk you out of your dreams. It might mean you let a broke person tell you that you will never make money. It means you are not coachable and not willing to work. It means you’re not patient. It means you let the fear of failure or a few NO’s stop you from succeeding. It means you didn’t have the willpower to see it through or to face those challenges and overcome them. It means you’re not willing to put in the work because it might be too hard. Anything worth having is worth working for. 

LIFE is hard, so cry me a river. This is your story, so what’s going to be written in your book? What are you going to leave behind? Why is it okay to work 40-60 hours a week to help someone else live out their dreams, but it’s not okay to invest 5-10 hours a week to invest in yourself and YOUR dreams?

How proud would you be if you made it and created an amazing story? How proud would you be if you quit, and how honest would you be with the people you speak to about your adventure? My guess is that you won’t mention all the things we covered on the last page. You’ll be the victim because that’s the world we live in. I didn’t get this or that because… and this happened because of this person or that person. It’s never our fault anymore. The blame is always redirected. God forbid if was US doing anything wrong. Can’t have that.

If you quit or if you fail, which you shouldn’t (following all of my training), but let’s say you did quit, how would that story sound? You will most likely say it’s the industries fault, that network marketing doesn’t work, that no one helped you or built a team for you, that you weren’t good a promoting or that you had a bad company or bad leaders above you. When does the blame game stop and when do we start holding ourselves accountable for our failures and our successes?

Don’t be that person. Take ownership for your actions and accept responsibility for all that you do and don’t do, good or bad. Look in the mirror and take full responsibility for whatever you’ve created and for whatever you’ve destroyed or let beat you.

If you did great, you deserve all the credit and you should be proud of yourself. If you did great, it’s because of YOU and not because of anyone else. If you quit, you should get all the credit for that as well.

It’s easy to get side tracked and it’s easy to get roped in with the wrong people making a number of promises that they can’t deliver. The sad thing is this. In many cases, the person who enrolled you in Company ABC will ditch you like a bad habit and join something new just weeks after telling you how amazing their Company ABC was. And because you did such a good job following this person, you’re going to get another invite to Company XYZ. Why? Because you were already a yes and you’re already on the team, so why not go to you first.

Another shocker! This person isn’t going to do anything for you in Company XYZ either. Why do people continue to follow these fake leaders who are only after their own interests? Team up with someone interested in YOU.

Learn this industry please… and align yourself with the right type of people in a good and quality company. As you sift through my many training topics, you’ll understand what I mean.

I cover this in detail in other topics, but you’re going to struggle, you’re going to lose friends because you’re going to outgrow them and you’re going to face many challenges, some way beyond your control. The question is how you deal with those challenges and if you have the willpower and the strength to fight through those hurdles.

Be strong and stay strong and follow the people who are making things happen and those who are changing lives around the world. It’s a better place to be. Network marketing is NEVER a CAN you or CAN’T you business because ANYONE can. It’s a WILL you or WON’T you business. You either will or you won’t. You ALWAYS can.

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This article was published on 29.07.2016 by Richard Wyche
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