Network Marketing at its finest!!!
Hello, I am certainly new on this website but not new to network marketing. I wanted to make this announcement to invite you to check out my company. This is an exciting opportunity to break down the barrier between lawyers that only the rich can afford and give equal access to all individuals to the legal system. Another great opportunity that we offer is the fact that you don't have to continue selling creams or sprays or other products to continue making money but yet we have a subscription based product that pays you every month for every membership you have sold. You can build your own team and work at your own pace as fast or as slow as you would like. Whether you are trying to replace your current job with your own home based business or just trying to make a little money on the side with a part time business, this is a great opportunity to do such. We also have home based business plans for everyone on here that not only protects, you and your family, but your business and is 100% tax deductible. Our plans provide you protection in all 50 states in the US or Canada or the United Kingdom. Some states do require a license to sell this product. The plans allow you 24/7 access to an your own personal law firm for anything from just a simple legal question/situation all the way to you being involved in a lawsuit. We offer tax audit protection and will help you setup your Will/Power of attorney all included in one simply monthly charge. A separate product we also offer is Identity Theft protection. This is very similar to products like Lifelock but much cheaper and with much better protection. I can personally attest to that as I used to be a member of Lifelock and was heavily disappointed. All products pricing is set and as long as you are a member, will never increase for you. Most legal/id theft plans are as low as $24.95 a month and home business supplement plans start as low as $9.95 a month. If you are interested in the product or the business, feel free to contact me by email or message. I look super forward to hearing from each of you very soon.
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