Its' Playtime
Winston Churchill is noted for saying: " We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"
One can make a living with risk by Trading and Accumulating Bitcoin.
Can one make a life by giving away Bitcoin? Well read on. The answer will surprise you.
We all know, deep down that a new world is being born, and that we are going to be tasked with finding new ways of making a living. Right now there is a lot of turmoil and chaos in our culture. As Bob Dylan sang "The Times They Are a Changing" . Yes and as you know and realize more today than ever that change is all we can depend on. Our ability to adapt to that change and play our best hand will determine whether we end up a WINNER and become self-sufficient. So instead of finding a way to making a living, why not Join with us and "CREATE A LIFE" .
Finally someone (Jerry Lopez) had a dream. He found way for Philanthropy and Bitcoin to be used to: "change the world". Its' quite a story. He partnered with several IT and Marketing Geniuses to Develope a platform and an Ecosystem. Long story short just go and check us out.
Define your "WHY" Defining your why means writing out what is really important to you. What are you passionate about? What would you like to globe support you in making "Your Life".
So First step then is to develop "YOUR CAUSE". Post it on the platform and let the the system fulfill it. This exercise will give you driving motivation and a purpose.
Next fund your crypto wallet. Your job is to give to others "Cause" You will not need much just enough to keep you in play until you share the dream with 3 other active persons. A round figure is about $50 of Bitcoin. When you share this System with three others, the platform and all its benifits become FREE.
Join Now Free For 14 Days.
Exlore the Platform, Watch the Videos.
Realize its Great Potential.
Then Play in a Culture of Giving
You will Find A Life.
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