Whatever you do to Network, Do it Better in Webtalk
How do you stay connected? How much time do you spend on connecting to people. You spend so much time then on Social Media. Did it prepare you during these pandemic times? Did you sustain your income? Were you able to keep your lifestyle? Were you able to create meaningful relationships that will sustain you when the environment changed? You love to network, share, post, and link, why not do it better in WEBTALK. This new special platform pays you for what you are already doing.
Background and the Backdrop:
Our CultureScape - The environment and our media for being social.
Oh Dear God, why, what are we going to do? I miss my life of abundance, freedom, and pleasure?
Until Covid 19, we live a life of abandoned trust in the Social and Culturescape we live in. There are billboards, NetFlix, Amazon, Google, YouTube Videos and Podcasts galore, teaching you how to eat, live, work, and play under the radar which seems normal. When did Amazon take over your shopping spree? When did Google become your neighborhood library? Today, there are algorithms that tell you who you are that you don't even know about yourself. not even your sexual preference, until one day, you say to yourself "that makes sense, I am gay" (or what you prefer). Commercials on TV no longer pervade your life, but now you live with eyes cast down, neck hunch over your personal computer machine, your Android and your IOS cell phones become your companion, you appointment assistant, in bed or on your side table an easy reach to shut down your alarm clock in the morning. You awaken, yawning, slowly put your feet down, then stretch a bit, then you hunch over just to take a quick look as to whose text you missed, then you get your body to move in space to your toilet. You flush with the same hand, you look at yourself in the mirror, then back to your room, you check your Facebook, your WhatsApp, your Instagram, now you feel connected to everyone that you know and yourself and your world. The cocktail of hormones and chemicals rushes to give you dopamine and oxytocin and other other chemicals that now pervade your heart and mind. Then you eat your breakfast, take your lunch bag that you prepared the night before and drive the same road and traffic every day. You see the same co-workers, the same boss, and the job you semi-like because you need to pay your new condo unit and the new car so you report to the same job every day. After work, you stop by the dry cleaning store, the grocery store, and if you're married you text your wife and check your grocery shopping list. You go out on Friday night for dinner, Friday night for happy hour, meet and greet your soccer buddies, because you wait for your sons and daughters to finish their sports practice. If you are mindful about your health, you go to your Yoga class or life weights with you gym buddies. Life is good and as it is, not bad at all. Then in a blink of an eye the pictures on your phone signals fright and dark times ahead, China announces more people dying from some rare virus. The World had no idea. Then we see videos of caged rare exotic animals being sold in the worst of environment. Italy's news keep feeding us of people dying on the street, then more unsettling news that grips you with fear, lockdown, facemasks, social distancing becomes the norm. What happened to our world? I still wake up every day to meditate by the lake, I still walk every day. What I missed the most are my yoga classes and fitness classes. I teach 10-15 classes a week in between my full time work as a real estate agent. I miss the students I show up for and serve every day. We are left with videos of conspiracy disappearing from YouTube, Trump not knowing what to do surrounded by his advisors who do not know what to do, then we have WHO, the World Health Organization funded by China and Bill Gates declaring publicly that we are over populated and depopulation must begin and now. We hang on Fauci's every word, as if he rose from the dead to save us. Newsbreak giving me a tally every moment to give me the count of people dying. News feeding us with the same footage shown in Italy then shown in every network, in every city with high cases of Covid. Where are we? Where are you? How did we become so dumbed down, unaware like people living day-to-day inside a Matrix? Why oh why did this happen? Most of us are overweight, with high blood pressure, and heart barely sustaining our breath or even sustaining the next day or month, or a year, diabetes still plagues us furthering our unpreparedness, not knowing that we are Supernatural, we bring our guards down, because of fear and uncertainty, unbeknownst to many of us, fear lowers your immune system down even more. We are so stressed not even our apps can help us to provide enough hormones and chemicals to get the fear factor out of our minds. We are unprepared. We are a technology driven society. There is no longer a delay in World news, we've become a global community.
Then millions of people out of jobs files for unemployment at its highest ever experienced in the last 100 years. Our hair needs cutting, toilet paper stacked in our closets, we wash the plastic enclosing our food, we drench our baby wipes in alcohol, we are afraid to talk to each other, we no longer hug, shake hands, we kiss no longer, we mourn our death in silence, we celebrate in our cars, we Zoom everything we need to do. We learn to hold business meetings on webinars. I wave hello to my grandson from outside the house to visit so I can drop off some masks. My son and daughter in law have a new baby girl and I am twice a LoLa, a grandmother. We will connect on Zoom over the weekend to view her. In my country, the elder will look and touch their hands, and exclaims she will be a piano player, one will touch the ears and say she will have a long life. Today, we zoom over her and celebrate her in the comfort of our cell phone or ipad or laptop screens.
Chlorox disappearing from shelves at Target. What do we do? Now that we are in 2 months into this pandemic, how do we find the skills we need to sustain our living as we continue to feed our families, pay our mortgage, rent, cars, and credit cards that sustained our lifestyle?
For sure, we are a creative Race, we will find ways to create income and to create a new future, a new Reality, a new Paradigm. And for most, an opportunity now to pursue our calling and nurture a harmonious loving relationship with those who are close to us. We will learn to home school our kids. We will learn how to provide private space for each other. We will learn, we will seek, we will pursue, and we will survive. As Morpheus screams with passion at the highest vantage point in Zion, We Are Still Here. Our will is to Survive, Thrive, and Prosper no matter the economic weather. No matter which violent viruses plague us, no matter what lowest form of life prevails, we are living, breathing, Supernatural human beings with an immune system that is flexible, sustainable, and strong. We are a spirit having a physical experience. We will Survive, Thrive and Prosper. I will continue to meditate, do my Yoga outdoors, and journal my gratitude daily. I will be more loving, more compassionate, more patient, more generous, I will do all these things, because the choice of not doing so, is our demise.
Thank your for R J Garbowicz, the founder of Webtalk to share with us a sustainable monthly income by sharing 50% of the income of the company through what we are already learning or have become good at - the social media platforms. We offer you an honest opportunity to truly connect and share in this abundant Universe. A very rare opportunity to build a company that has and abundant mentality. There is much to share in this global economy.
My daily affirmations:
I am whole and perfect, strong and powerful, loving and beloved, abundant, and prosperous, harmonious, at peace and so very, very happy. I wish you safe travel, great parking spaces, attracting harmonious relationships, and experiencing Unending, Unfathomable, Outrageous Joy.
Join me on Webtalk connect with your families, friends, acquaintances, business partners, vendor partners . We will show you how to expand your network and your ability to earn a compensation during these panademic times and beyond.
This is Catherine Fleishman, Namaste!
Love Live, Love and Live on Purpose.
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