Next Generation Marketplace!
Have you ever wondered why network marketing was so hard for some and not for others. The company, the founders, the products, the compensation plan, your leaders - why was it working for some and again not for others?
I have been in the industry for more than 35 years and have been very successful (if that means cash positive) with wonderful people to work with and the product was amazing, only to have the company(s) shut down because of the changes that were made from the top. The other side is not to be happy with other businesses you joined because the comp plan was too difficult to make money with or the product was way over priced.
I took a break from it all. I had to for the simple fact that I was just tired of the hype. I wanted to be involved in something that was "going to help the little guy." To help someone make $500 or more a month to keep them out of bankruptcy, to buy food - the essentials. Not too high of an entry fee (under $100), and was easy to share with anyone. I was praying and looking for my "one last chance" to help make our life better and to give back! I was invited to go to a meeting, and a new chapter has begun. This revolutionary way of team building, no auto-ships, working together in providing a way to help everyone have HOPE again!
This company is in pre-launch and will be going public sometime this year.
This company is the next generation Participation Marketplace. Just like the Amazon Prime and Costco memberships, members subscribe to get exclusive discounts on products and service through our unique one-of-a-kind marketplace.
In addition to saving money, one can share in the revenue generated from the marketplace.
Additionally, for the first time ever the company will have a FDIC insured bank and a marketplace coming together. This makes it so we can share in the revenue with the bank every time someone uses their debit card.
We have an easy to follow marketing system, that helps you share the marketplace with others and become cash flow positive very quickly. Would you like to know?
Go to for a 4 min video to see if you are interested in this unique opportunity
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