Our Epicure USA Launch - Eating healthy has never been this easy!
My name is Christine and I have been an Epicure consultant for over 10 years. At first, I will be honest, I did purchase the kit for the discount and had no intention of making money with this. It was strictly grocery shopping at a discount.
Let me tell you that my way of thinking changed immediately after getting the kit. I saw the amazing health benefits of cooking with the Epicure products and the time saving cookware. Right away, I started sharing the products with everyone around me. For me, it was an opportunity to share how to eat healthy. We all want to have healthy meals but we sometimes....feel to tired to cook, don't know what to cook, kids wont eat and the list goes on. With Epicure, I share how to make meals from raw to ready in 30 minutes - Yes, with REAL ingredients!
This amazing Canadian company has gluten and nuts free products and also being sugar and salt conscious. Our products are at 85% Non-GMO Project Verified and we are continuing with the other 15%. All of this is now being launched to the USA as well. I am so excited to partner with our neighbors. July 8th, USA citizens can enroll with Epicure and have a kit sent to you. We have products for close to $500 for ONLY $150 and you have the opportunity to have your kit reimbursed by Epicure. So let's say that your kit will be FREE.
Let's face it....everyone needs to eat so your clientele is large. How much money do you want to make sharing raw to ready meals in 30 minutes or less? The simplicity of it all is amazing!
I would love to share more about this opportunity to see if it is a good fit for you or for someone you know. I also tell all my new business partners...Give me 90 days (time for our fast start program) and if you decide that this is not for you, you can just eat your kit - win win situation if you ask me!
Is this for you? Still not sure? Have a look at our story!
If you are wanting to see what I do as a consultant, join my VIP group to see how a cooking class is done and what recipes we have to offer to all of you.
Let's change lives one plate at a time!
I am looking forward in partnering with all of you whether as business partners or as a customer to help you with your health.
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