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Leads, Sales And Traffic Funnel

                    Network Marketing Leads, Sales And Traffic Funnel

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I want to talk to you about one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools that have been the that came along to help us in the in the past couple of years. And that’s the facebook audio messenger.

We all know facebook, right? We all know messenger and we all converse with people using facebook messenger, but one thing has been forgotten and that is why audio is so important.

In this blog post, this hefty hefty blog posts I want to teach you why you:

Should use audio more often

The top 10 reasons why you should respond back in audio versus texts

What exactly you should say to your prospects

How you can make sure that you recruit two to 100% more people using Facebook audio and not only recruit them but keep them retained inside of your company.

I want you to click on the image below and get my Live Recruiting Webinar I do on Facebook & LinkedIn, where you see everything I do. Frankly, it will cut out all the B.S. & cause you to actually start recruiting people today into your mlm company!

One Of My Favorite Network Marketing Recruiting Tools

I want to talk to you about the top 10 reasons why facebook audio or the audio portion of the facebook messenger is so critical to your mlm success.

When I talked to you about these these 10 differentiators with facebook messenger in the audio portion, I really want you to understand that it comes from experience, not just reading an article and telling you what to do. The first thing is to recruit more reps into your company. You’ve got to be more personal. That’s number one with audio. It gives you the ability to to be more personal.

When you’re recruiting inside of mlm, you need to be able to show your personality. Your prospect is buying you, not the company you represent.

Number two, MLM recruiting is about speed and audio allows you to be way quicker. What I love to do is I love to respond to people when I’m on the run.

If I’m potentially at a stoplight or maybe I’m running down the road, I take a brief minute when my brain is sharp and just respond with a message. It’s way quicker and it fits into your life easier.

Your Voice Matters For Recruiting

Number three, voice inflection. Many times with just the written word, we don’t hear what our prospect is really saying to us or we’re unable to convey what we really want to communicate to that person. But with audio & voice inflection & pauses & excitement & drops, you can get across the message that you really want to convey.

See, what you really need to understand about recruiting is only 7% of communication is actually the words you speak or the written word. The other 93% is voice inflection, tone & countless other awesome things.

When you can use audio to influence your prospects to join you in business or to take a journey with you, you obviously take the upper hand, and this is why audio messenger is one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools that exists today.

Number four, they get to understand you as a person.

In network marketing recruiting, we need to have a personality like I’ve said several times. Audio allows your prospect to understand you as a person. They get to understand how energetic you are & to understand what you’re like, what you sound like right before they join you in business.

Your prospect gets to understand how much you care! How big it this? They’re able to feel your caring generosity because energy flows through your voice. Energy flows from your body into their body. They can feel how much you care. Be careful. They can also feel how much you don’t care.

Through this audio strategy, you’re able to story tell to them to enable them to see why they should join your company, why they should buy your product, why you are the best fit for them because of how much you care, because of the person you are because of who you are.

This takes network marketing and recruiting to the next level. This takes you above and beyond everybody else in your mlm organization because you’re able to show who you are, that you’re real, that you’re vulnerable, how much you care about them, and that’s going to flow across the number for the energy that exudes out of your body.

network marketing recruiting toolsProspects Are Lazy | Help Them & Help Your MLM Recruiting

Number seven, people are so lazy. This allows the communication to, um, to this allows the communication with you and your prospect to be easier.

Let’s face it, we don’t like to read a lot of texts we hated as people, but we’ll listen. Why do you think audiobooks are so popular? Why do you think videos are so popular? We’ll watch a video long before we will ever, ever take the time to read a thousand word blog posts, right?

Text is easily misunderstood. We talked about this earlier in this post, but it’s true. You know, when you’re recruiting in the network marketing profession, you want to make sure that you’re not being misunderstood.

We have enough enemies & haters out there as it is. Voice inflection and how much you care is not misunderstood. Everybody feels that. The old adage, people don’t care what you do. They care how they feel after you leave them, right?

They care how you made them feel. It’s so much easier to sell a product, to recruit into your business, to do all of that.

Why? Because of everything we’ve talked about today in this network marketing recruiting tools blog post. You’re able to use voice inflection. They’re able to know that you care. They’re able to feel your energy and feel connected to you.

They’re able to have that connection to you, but they don’t have to go out of their way to set an appointment, to have a video chat with you or to sit down for coffee.

Then you’re making it easier for the end user, for the prospect to actually listen to your message. That is so key for you. That is so such a big deal for you to be able to sell your product easier. Can you see why audio is one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools?

The Technical Behind Sending An Audio Message

Some of you might be saying, how do I start a facebook audio message? Well, you can do it two ways and I have some screenshots here to show you about one of my favorite network marketing recruiting tools.


This article was published on 19.02.2019 by Erving Croxen
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