Friends and Family Event with LipSense by Senegence and Kisses By Jamie
Please join our Facebook page for our Friends and Family event starting on Monday, December 4. We are looking for ladies who like to save money and those who want to start their own businesses. Our beauty products are the best products available on the market today and our LipSense lip colors are highly sought after. Most ladies I meet don't want to apply makeup all day. They want to set it and forget it. I can help you achieve that! I'm that lady! I can't stand to reapply makeup. And I REALLY can't stand to have a heavy makeup feel. Our products are USA made from a woman-owned business and ACTUALLY work as claimed.
If you are looking for a way to help your family finances or are just looking for an outlet to connect with your tribe or maybe you just want a discount on amazing skincare and makeup, then let's talk. I am looking to grow my team. I am looking for 5 women per month to launch their businesses. I want to help you succeed so I only take small chunks of women so I can give you the time you deserve. Your start up costs with Senegence are super small ($55/year!) That earns you a 20-50% discount automatically! Our products are super concentrated so they last months without needing to be replenished if used daily. You can immediately earn 20-50% commission on everything you sell! Wow! You can also build a team and earn commissions on top of that! Earnings are not capped. You can grow as far and wide as you want. It is a business model that works and I'll show you how to succeed! If you have a financial goal, let's get you there!
During my friends and family event I'm offering incentives to each new distributor to help you get started. Contact me for offers available! Our group is super supportive and we celebrate everyone's successes together. If you are looking for the most supportive LipSense ladies, you've found the right group! We can't wait to meet you and help you get your business started. You can start making money right away!
Join me and I'll contact you right away to get to know you and help you launch your business the right way.
#lipsense #distributor #friendsandfamily #christmas #shopping #beauty #makeup #skincare #savemoney #discounts #senegence #womenownedbusiness #productsthatwork #businessthatworks #earnmoney #earntrips #earncar #bosslady #startmyownbusiness
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