Changing lives charitable organization
Greetings I would like to appreciate this platform for give me opportunity to share my story, my name is Christian Kalu mng'andu I was born in 1992 I am last born from family of seven and I have grown up from the village for all these years I lived my dream is to become the father to fatherless, husband to the widow for I believe God is the giver and gives through you and me so this messages to those who are willing to give something from the heart for the Bible says I your lord searches the heart and am here to represent my dream to well wishers all over world to help me the little you have to fund my charitable foundation, am just a boy age 26 without money but with vision that one day I wipe away a tears of People who are needs send the girl child to school and achieve there goes and dreams, I was a student but I stopped lucky of and am now into film industry of which I have not even received coin of out it those who lives in Africa in short Zambia can agree with me that the industry is just growing. I will pray for you God will bless you abundantly, the bible says bless is the hands that gives. Changing lives charitable foundation that is the name. This platform changing lives will be organisation which help to discover young children who have talents, likes dancers, motivation, singer's, actor's/actresses, authors, children who are in street to provide with accommodation and orderly people living under the bridge to have were to sleep and to eat, according to the vision I hard this organization will go over the world through your support from you I mean the one who is reading this article,, thank you for listen to my story, I always say honor your life to enter in the grave with smiling. God bless you I can't wait to hear from you, don't be selfish let's put our treasures in heaven were a thief cannot steal, and when someone fall please don't lough instead of lough give him your hand and pick him up, let's help one another you're because I am and I'm because you are, thank once more,
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