How Do You Grow A Business and Who Is In Your Corner?
So, you put on your big girl pants and started your own company. You studied your industry and you read the, "How To" books. You really did it. You had a great idea and you have all your ducks in a row. You listened to all the tips and watched all the YouTube videos. You can't possibly fail, or can you? You don't have a mentor. You don't have a network. So now, what do you do?
Who can you rely on for information? There is a galaxy filled with information and there are as many blogs about how to operate a business, as there are stars. Everyone's an expert, in some manner or the next, but exactly how much do they actually know? Everyone seems to have authored a book. In a world of expert information, how do you test out which theories are the best. What is it that proves they are right about the advice they give? What clues do they leave for success? Maybe they were lucky and found success on a fluke. Maybe they had great cronies to help along the way. They may have had wealthy parents to give them a push forward, with a healthy investment or a trust fund. Who knows how they achieved their success. Truthfully, they could tell any story that they want to the world, but only the people inside their business organizations know the truth.
Do you track success based on how much money you make or consumer purchase consistency? There is all of this data that needs to be tracked now or you don't truly know your consumer. That seems to be the only way to know a customer/client needs. The jury is out on how factual that is. How do you connect with more people organically? There are so many tactics to apply to marketing a business and an equal amount of ways to test which option works best for every project. It is a big ball of confusion when you are green to business ownership or if you simply have an idea. Is money the true gauge of success, in early phases of a business? Money is what most people gauge ‘proof of success’ by.
Marketing is the study of businesses connecting with potential consumers and how business relates to the customer base. These days, marketing is solely about data. All research for consumers and consumer behavior is coded somewhere in the cloud. You don't really need humans anymore to find out what to do with a particular market, you just purchase the study or the pre-aggregated list of buyers. Then track their responses to your communications for the buyer’s journey. This technology makes it easier to connect with the consumer, because companies already know everything about them. Businesses don't have to speak with the consumers anymore, they just read the stats and they know what consumer complaints will be filed so they don't have to take calls, just force the consumer to connect with a chat bot. Then the complaint will be handled by the support staff online. Mentors are not hard to find but can often be wildly expensive. Let's face it, who wants to share the information they acquired with sweat and a life's time, with people they have no emotional connection to? If they can find a benefit from helping everyday people, then they may have compassion and or a big heart.
Mentors can range in price but the rates are calculated according to what they believe their time is worth. Their advice could land an entrepreneur millions of dollars or send one into billionaire status and everyone pays for that possibility. That's why they cost so much, they know their own potential value. That may not be economical for a business owner. A coach is more hands on.
Connect with CROWNS CEO PROS, we are not just a club but a group of women entrepreneurs that choose to behave like a sisterhood. Building a business legacy can be so much more fun with other women entrepreneurs, to share your successes and struggles with. Failure can be hard unless you have someone who can comprehend what is happening with your business, or may be experiencing the exact same thing - or have in the past experience. Having someone present to help you move failure to success, is important for every entrepreneur. Just being able to reach out to someone who can comprehend what you are experiencing, often is a great help to any entrepreneur. Sometimes it’s hard to find a person who can relate to your journey. CROWNS, is a group of innovative women entrepreneurs, who are growing in your direction, exactly what you need. Learn to create, learn to connect, learn to create commerce with the women of CROWNS.
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