It's Not My Thing!
I recently had a conversation with a friend about the Industry of Network Marketing and MLM. Our conversation lasted for about 10 minutes when they responded to me with, "Network Marketing is not my thing!" Having heard this from other prospects many times before (I usually ignored it) I got a little indignant with their remark. "What do you mean by it's not your thing" I shot back. "Well, you have to bug your family and friends to coerce them to buy stuff they may not want and the only reason they buy it is to support you, but their heart isn't really in it" they rambled. Really? Wow!
This is one of the main misconceptions of those who don't understand the inherent power of the time leveraging aspect of Network Marketing and the fruit it bares. Think about this for a second. You and I have 24 hours per day. Let's assume that eight of those hours are designated for rest / sleep and since we have to earn a living, 8 or 9 hours (or more) are relegated to work of some kind.
For an example, let's say my friend earns $30 per hour, working the standard 40hrs work week calculated at ($30 x 8hrs x 5 days per wk x 4.33 = $5,196 per month (before taxes). Arguably, this is not too shabby an income resulting in $62,352 annually. We'll also run our example over 2 years with an annual cost of living raise of 3%. My friends $62,352 goes up to $64,223 the first year. The second year they get another 3% increase which brings us to $66,149. Again...not bad!
Now, I'm going to use my income with Trunited to round out this example. First off what is Trunited? It is a FREE to join Profit Sharing platform that allows me to earn residual profit from 2 inexpensive items sold on Amazon; whose company's are participating in 2 Multi-Billion dollar markets. It isn't your traditional Network Marketing company however; it does implement some of its features without the hurt points i.e.,
- no sign up fee
- no kits to buy
- no inventory to purchase
- no selling of products
- no commissions to qualify for
- no BV or PV to calculate
It is a pure and simple profit sharing opportunity...PERIOD!
Here's how it works:
As I mentioned, Trunited is a nearly 4th year (at the time of this article) Marketing Company that has partnered with 2 debt free company's selling their products on Amazon's well established platform. Since these two company's are participating in 2 Multi-Billion dollar market segments, they've agreed to allow Trunited to build a residual consumer base that helps them grow their brand and expand their place in the market. For doing this, Trunited gets a huge portion of the company's overall profits which creates a Profit Pool from which they pay back 100% into the (qualified) consumer base.
This is a brilliant marketing strategy because, neither of these company's have to directly compete with other well established name brands, pay for multi-million dollar ad campaigns or hire expensive branding experts in order to get their slice of the Multi-Billion dollar pie; making this a win-win for everyone involved. So, the focus is not to sell products, but to grow the companies market presence and equally share the residual profits. It's VERY SIMPLE, highly duplicatable and extremely lucrative with less work.
Now that you know what Trunited is up to, let's get back to our example of time leveraging. In my 2 year example, I signed up (for FREE) and joined the platform. Using Trunited's uni-level approach to compensating me, (BTW, it goes as wide as I want it to and as deep as 15 levels) I introduced just 6 people and helped them each get 6 and so on down to my 4th level. Within 2yrs, I ended up with 1,296 people on my team; each leveraging my time by 31,104 hrs (based on each person having 24 hrs per day like me).
What if each only worked 1 hr per day? I would still leverage my production by 1,296 hours daily! Oh, let's not forget my compensation. Instead of being paid by the hour, I get paid monthly. Remember the Profit Pool I talked about earlier? In order to get paid, I have to qualify by subscribing to 1 of 2 of the company's products that Trunited represents. This is where the magic happens and the residual consumer base resides. I, my team and others represent the residual consumer base...incentivized by growing the Profit Pool. The products are inexpensively priced at: $49.95 + tax which is auto shipped to my house.
This earns me 30 Profit Points...a profit point is like a share which is paid at: $0.22 per point; at 30 points this pays me (on my own profit points) $6.60. When we add the fact that Trunited matches each 30 points from my entire team, I get a check for: $8,554 which (if it stayed stagnant) is an annual income of: $102,643 and growing! All in just 2 years!
What if we took it out 2 more years? My friend would end up with an annual income of: $70,177. I on the other hand (if we continue to grow at the present pace) would arrive at an astonishingly lucrative: $307,930 with (not to mention) an increasingly exponential residual income; 3x's the amount my friend would arrive at in the same amount of time. If it stopped there I would be fine however; it's going to grow out of my control if I work or not! Just from this example you can see my time leveraging is off the charts! My friend would be confined to just 24 hours! I would end with an incalculable leverage of time and production.
This is why Network Marketing is worthy of respect. You don't need to be a nuclear physicist or brain surgeon to do it. You don't need a degree! You don't need to specialize in anything other than have a willingness to care for and support a team of individuals like yourself going in the same direction. And here's the best part about Trunited (for example). We are only in our 4th year almost! This means we're still at the FOUNDATION level of the S-Curve and we're barely entering into our momentum stage. God only knows what's going to happen when we hit EXPONENTIAL growth! Wait until the Network Marketing pro's find out about us and transfer their entire organizations over to this extremely simple, highly duplicatable platform that truly doesn't intrude or take away from their primary's going to get CRAZY!
One of my buddies in another MLM program with a rather large team (about 4,000 strong) is working on a way to mass share with his people about Trunited before the end of this year (2020). Very soon the word is going to get out how easy this thing is. Here's a recapped nutshell of it's simplicity that I call the 3 S's:
- SUBSCRIBE (to 1 of 2 products Trunited represents for...$49.95)
- SHARE (a 12 min. Video Overview with 6 qualified people)
This is how Millionaires are developed in Network Marketing: "Find something that is replaced over and over again; earn a small percentage of it in a huge market and grow the market share!" Needless to say, when I broke it down this way, my friends eyes were open and they wanted to do what I'm doing. And as a bonus...They can never say, "Network Marketing It's not my thing!"
Since Trunited uses a uni-level compensation plan that allows me to go as wide as I want, I've decided to only work with 6 at a time and help them duplicate down to my 4th level...then I'll do it again with another 6 and another and another...get the point! The only limitation is we can only go down 15 levels...bummer!
If you'd like to participate with me in an amazing opportunity as a member on my can reach me on Facebook, LinkedIN or Messenger FOR MORE INFORMATION. I'd welcome you with open arms!
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