Get Paid For Designs.
I just finally launched my website. Https:// its geared around casino gear and clothing designs. Also includes slot tips and casino strategies. Soon to come will be adding Youtube Videos as well. Check it out give me your opinion.
But the main reason I'm posting today is I have a offer for who ever good at designs using illustrator, or photoshop. I'm looking for new designs they must be of your own creation no logos, or copyrighted materials.
Submit your designs to With your contact info. And if we use them you will be sent free casino gear sample with your design on it. Plus payment for your design into your Paypal account.
This is not a get rich quick site. We are gonna treat everyone honestly. We project the amount of sales per item. And pay accordingly.
When you submit a design you are giving us the right to use it. We may just do a trial to see how its gonna sell but most the time we give you a upfront offer for your design.
If interested in trying it out feel free to send in a design with contact info. Or need further info please contact me at email above.
Reason i am doing this is i have got my hands full. Between running the website and adding content, trying to get content for my YouTube channel, and posting to my blog. It don't leave much time for designs. So im reaching out to my fellow marketers for help. I have been tinkering online for a long time is why i finally took the plunge. Yes it is a lot of work more than i expected. But hopefully it will come together. So any help will be appreciated.
Also interested in a link sharing to ones who own their own website. Email me with link share in the subject.
We should be able to help each other grow our rankings. With Backlinks to our sites. Though I'm not willing to pay because we both benefit. Think we all work together we all can profit.No comments yet