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Coaching packages

We are offering half price coaching packages.  So if you or your team needs help in any areas mentioned below we have the key to your success. Our packages are not a get rich quick scheme as they do not exist. The packages are simply there to give you the correct tools and knowledge to do the job yourself. We do offer our services for those who don’t want to to a course, for information on that find us on Facebook or get in touch via email.

All packages have been adapted and edited from sales giants such as Grant Cardone and Dan Lok.

You will receive the same training and information in our packages as you would from any of the same courses they offer. We have just adapted them so we can charge a fraction of the price they do.

All of our team members are sent on these courses to sharpen their skills before we let them create these packages. This means that the skills they already had have been enhanced and improved so you and or your team receives the best possible training you could get. We are constantly improving our courses and training  packages, but don’t worry you will not miss out as we offer dramatic price reductions for people and businesses that have purchased that course in the past. So what are you waiting for? Come and learn the skills you need to achieve what you want to a

Available packages:

Social media management       Normally £300 you pay £150

Advertising                                   Normally £500 you pay £250

Sales training                               Normally £800 you pay £400

Web design                                   Normally £800 you pay £400

Business development                Normally £400 you pay £200

message us via our Facebook page for more information, alternatively you can contact us via email at For more information visit us on Facebook, linked in and insta

This article was published on 21.09.2018 by Alex Rolfe
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