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Taking a break from MLM, & how I'm making money now (NOT a biz opp)

I recently received an email from one of my contacts with the above subject line.

She is, after 8 years of torment in MLM, experiencing what is commonly known as "BURNOUT"!

This is something I have seen many times in my 35+ years in the home business industry and it affects all levels of success from top leaders down to struggling newcomers.

It's cause is the constant "churn" of members and the need to be constantly promoting hard just to stay where you are income wise. In fact staying where you are is not something that happens in business unless you have no success at all and can't even get started. For all others there is only growth or decline!

What I have learned in my long and mostly successful home business exploits is that MLM is a great system as long as it is not your main focus. If it is, or if it becomes, your main focus then sooner or later you WILL experience "BURNOUT"!

So if MLM is to be built and yet not be your main focus - what is the answer?

Simply, MLM should be built as a sideline to produce your pension. The fact is that most people do not have the skills and talents required to build an MLM business fast and building slowly is not profitable in the short term. This is why there is so much "churn" (people joining and leaving within a short space of time - usually averaging 3 months).

A home business needs to get into profit fast and that takes higher commissions per sale than are readily available in MLM! If you look at ALL the top earners online well over 60% of their income comes from High Ticket sales and usually less than 10% of their income comes from recurring MLM income. They may well have recurring income in excess of 10% but it is generated from sources other than MLM in the vast majority of cases.

Please understand that I am not slamming MLM; in fact I love MLM and have made many thousands of dollars from MLM over the years. What I am saying is that even the top earners in MLM seldom pitch their MLM business as a first option.

They know and understand that less than 10% and usually closer to 1% or 2% of the people they contact will join their MLM business; and that, even of those that join, very few will stick around and generate an ongoing income.

You may or may not have heard of Bill Britt, one of the most successful distributors in Amway. Some years ago, 20/20 did a feature story on Amway. They spent 19 minutes interviewing whiners and complainers -- several distributors who had failed and showed the garages full of products they couldn't sell.

During the last minute of the show, Mr. Britt was interviewed in front of his palatial home. He was asked, "Mr. Britt, this business has obviously worked for you. What's your secret?" 

He replied, "There is no secret. I simply showed the plan to 1200 people. 900 said, 'No.' and only 300 signed up. Out of those 300, only 85 did anything at all. Out of those 85 only 35 were serious, and out of those 35, 11 made me a millionaire."

Look at those numbers and then look at them again! Only 85, that's just 7%, did anything at all and only 35, just 2.9% were serious!

My personal experience over the years is that from "GOOD QUALITY CONTACTS" only 1 in 7 will do anything  (14%) and of that 14% only 1 in 7 will get serious (that's 2% overall) and that just about ties in with Bill Brit's figures!

So, what is the way forward? My plan has always been to build income first and promote MLM as a second or 3rd option and the best way I know of doing that from home is through affiliate marketing. 

Here again, you must understand that there are a wide range of products, pricing and commission options  available to affiliate marketers and your portfolio should be spread across the board to allow you to generate commissions at all levels, whilst doing that all important task of BUILDING YOUR LIST!

It should also go without saying that whatever you promote should be high quality.

As you build rapport with your list by offering them solutions to their problems, they become prime candidates for your MLM business and your pension plan starts to build on autopilot; much better than constantly chasing people to join you.

By using this strategy you can generate fast income (some may even be recurring) that will show a profit on paid advertising (the best way to make money), and also produce some high ticket sales to create a serious income that you can not just live on but live on very well!

I know that for most people finding the best offers and then developing a strategy to make enough sales is not easy and so I have developed a program that does this for anyone from complete beginners to experienced marketers alike. It has a low annual fee of just $50 to allow anyone to participate and it automatically produces affiliate sales in a wide range of products with commissions ranging from around $6 to over $15,000.

It includes all the training you will ever need and requires just the completion of 4 simple steps to set up; so if you are looking to really find a path to success take the first step now by contacting me.

This article was published on 28.10.2016 by Graham Frame
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