The New Megatrends in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic.
Everyone is uncertain about what awaits after the ECQ extension periods.
Unstable economy, business and jobs are happening that even the government has to spend extensive tests and studies.
But there is an opportunity in this crisis. Building business on people because they commit and do as promised.
I still remember telling my children that working from home will become a reality. Meaning, people will stay home and continue doing their business operations and the activities of the organization. It was a week before the start of the ECQ in our place. And it came to pass. At first, it seems like a joke but the joke become a serious scenario and everything happened during the declaration of the quarantine period. And because these work from home was implemented and people started to create their comfort in its arrangement I am looking to a new business structure and operation already in place and will stay there even after the pandemic period.
A new beginning in the life of those in business and even employment. No more hassles in transportation from and to their homes. The technology leverages make it possible to create and maintain virtual offices . Even the offline meetings are being virtually held. Thanks to the expertise of IT's, everything became easy.
The question now is this, "What is our share in this new beginnings?". I would say this is an opportunity for all to change his situation from worst to best. At the moment we can have access in the technology leverages. In the leverages we can fulfill our dreams and hope for the best life we are targeting to achieve.
But, it needs our serious commitment. Our decision to change ourselves will one day change our future. Next is getting out from our comfort zones. The life we're having now is our comfort zones whether we like it or not. It's because it;s the kind of environment, activities and experience we got every single day of our lives. To get away from those we do not like need a change in ourselves first. And it is the hardest thing to do but the easiest thing not to do and hope not for a life change.
At the end of the day we are still responsible on the results in our everyday life. And I will say that everything can be replaced except the time that has gone. We cannot go back and correct what was wrong in the past except that we should not have it in the future. We cannot look young as days passed even we undergo several types of surgery.
Therefore, time is of the essence here. Decision is needed now if we dream for a bright future from tomorrow. Then the start of the journey for change.
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