Amazing opportunity
Hi I am Lynn and i have searched for years for an business that I could run from home and also sell a product that I believe in and use myself ..
I found it!!! It's only $19.99 to join (no monthly fees )
Sells itself ..
50% discount on all your purchases when you join .
Shoot me an email at
Text me at 229-202-0291
-Or click my link below and look over our products and join that way
-I would love to have you in my team ..
-I have not been a woman who wore a lot of makeup
-Being a mom of 5, I never had it took the time to put it on
-But this makeup takes little time for full coverage and all day stay
-We even have products for those women that work out ...
-My daughter loves it !!!
-My friends cannot stop bragging and buying ...
I could go on all day about this company ...but I will just list a few of the perks :
-We have give aways weekly
-Starter kits that are priced amazingly( if you choose to buy)
-Color charts to help customers pick their right shade
-Catalogs to pass out in your town
There is no rules about how you advertise , this will be YOUR business to run the way you want .
-Never any monthly fees ..( after the $19.99 to join)
*we also have skin care and hair care
A keratin shampoo that does miraculous things to your hair ,
-fragrances for men and women ...
Baby products as well ( baby wash, shampoo, lotions etc )
There is so much more to check out my site and know that if you join this company you are joining a family ....God Bless you all and I look forward to hearing from you and best of all ...
Having you as part of the FARMASI famolu,
Join this amazing company ...
50% commissions
50% discount on purchases
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