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Earn bitcoin for life

Bitcoin is the latest technology of money that is going to simplify lives of many by reducing transaction costs and times. This form of money works on a peer-to-peer basis and is accepted as a form of payment almost everywhere in the world. Only 21 million bitcoin were produced and will be in circulation in the whole world. This creates scarcity of this commodity and increases its demand, which results in the exponential price increase as has been observed. The net result is the elimination of inflation and provide an avenue of store of value which can be used in accumulating wealth.

There are different ways to obtain bitcoin, each having its own advantages and demerits.  You can buy bitcoin from institutions that trade with it at a certain price and sell it at a higher price to make profit. You can also buy and hold bitcoin as a store of value and use it after years holding onto it. Additionally, you can accept bitcoin as a form of payment and when the bitcoin price increases, the original bitcoin obtained as payment gains value and the owner benefits. Then, there is mining bitcoin where you earn portions of bitcoin every day and accumulate them and sell whenever you want. Mining is the process of verifying bitcoin transactions all over the world and publishing them on a public ledger called the blockchain (see video). Miners get paid in the newly issued bitcoins daily as a reward. All bitcoin mining companies are listed on the blockchain (, except those that do clod mining. In this instance, you don’t depend on the price of bitcoin to get bitcoin. Instead, you invest in the machinery that mines bitcoin for you while you do other things; you don’t have to be on site 24/7 monitoring the trends or prices and doing speculations. All that the machines does is mine bitcoins and place them into your wallet, which you can withdraw anytime. You also have the liberty to sell all your bitcoin because you will still continue mining and earning more bitcoin, which you will sell again and continue to mine, and the process continues.

The only disadvantage is that mining bitcoin is very expensive as the mining equipment and software are expensive. In addition, mining consumes a lot of electricity and produces a lot of heat, which will require more electricity to cool the mining computers down. Furthermore, the mining computers need to be upgraded regularly as technology continues to advance so that they remain competitive in mining and getting bitcoin. It is for this reason that mining is mainly done by big companies with huge capital. Fortunately, BitClub Network has made it possible for individuals with the little money they have to join in the lucrative bitcoin mining business. It offers mining services by pooling resources from individuals and buying mining computers collectively. The company installs the machines, maintains and manages the machines for you while you do nothing. You will then get a share of the profits of the mined bitcoin on each day. That way, you just sit and enjoy earning bitcoin without doing anything. All you have to do is become a lifetime member by paying $99, and then buy bitcoin mining shares which come in packages of $500, $1 000, $2 000 and $3 500 called Mining Pools. There are also GPU shares where you will mine other coins, such as, zcash, monero, etherium and etherium classic and they cost $1 000 and $5 000.

If you want to earn more, share this opportunity with other people and when they join you unlock other income streams for yourself. You will earn bonuses, such as referral, cycling and infinity bonuses, which may make you earn even $1000 or more a day. Mining earnings are in bitcoin and network earnings are in bitcoin cash; thus do not depend on the respective prices of these coins. The initial mining contract is 1000 days, but because of the repurchases that take place where each comes with its own 1000-day contract, mining continues forever. This is a perfect way of investing for the future as the mining machinery will continue mining even when you are no longer around. You can set your repurchases to your preferred percentage. For more information, please visit or contact me at  

This article was published on 10.09.2018 by Bekezela Dube
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Bitclub Network - cryptocurrency, 99 USD to join

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