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SmartPhone Proximity Advertising! It's A Lead Magnet!

Imagine you're at a basketball game with 6,000 other people and over 3,000 of them get a notification on their phone that contains YOUR message, and a link to YOUR website! I am an independent associate for Genusity. Genusity has five different models of Bluetooth Beacons. These devices send YOUR message and a link to YOUR website to any Bluetooth enabled Android phone within 150-500 feet in all directions, 24/7 on autopilot.

If you're looking for an opportunity, this company just started signing up associates 11-6-17. They are technically in prelaunch until March. Android makes up 60% of the cell phone market in the US, and 85% worldwide. This opportunity is available worldwide.

If your just looking for a way to get more prospects, these devices fit on a key chain or in your pocket or purse, and continually send out your message and website link automatically to every Android phone within range. Speaking of range, the company is coming out with a beacon in a couple of months that will have a 1500 foot range. That's over a quarter of a mile, in all directions. Think of the possibilities!

With a quarter of a mile range, you could go to a pro or college football game that has 60,000 people at the game, and sit in your vehicle in the parking lot, and up to 35,000 people would get your message. Anywhere there are a lot of people, such as, convention centers, business expo's, home or boat shows, hotels, or restaurants. How about hiding one at the mall, so it's working for you 24/7 without you being there! The applications are endless.

The old " 3 foot rule " for network marketing, just became the " 300 foot Rule ". ( or 1500 foot rule ) Network marketers are always looking for more prospects. Use these beacons to boost the recruiting for your main program, or use it as a second program.

You don't have to sell these beacons, just show them. 99.9% of the people you talk to have never heard of these devices. All businesses are always looking for more customers, prospects, or leads. You can now show them something that will increase their business significantly, spending only a small fraction of what their currently spending. The beacons are small, light weight, weather resistant, and have a two year battery life. Five different models to choose from.

If you're in any kind of business, you need this. If you're in network marketing, you need this. If you're a free thinking, motivated entrepreneur, this is your future!

Go here for all the details:

Stephen Huston - Independent Genusity Associate

This article was published on 10.12.2017 by Stephen Huston
Author's business opportunity:

Genusity - Smartphone Ads , 30 USD to join

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