It was an inspiration, as I was learning about traffic exchange programs . After years this was all new to me. At 65 they were teaching an old dog new tricks, which I guess you can , but it depends on the dog.
Anyway the , first thing I did was to use the old outline idea we learned in school. What I wanted to say and how I wanted to present the ideas that would be somewhat entertaining and yet had usable content that I hoped would provide usable ideas. I ha stumbled onto the idea and actually had somefree signups. Two programs I use are International and increases the chance for success. Technically someone could buy product and website tools and pay in foreign currency and I could earn commission and residual in USA currency. Sounds like a workable plan to me.
Some of the people who have signed up, are signed as free members and have the option to upgrade. Part of the purpose of the newsletter was to encourage them to consider upgrading and to teach the concepts to people they recruit so they could duplicate the process.
Here is a copy of the newsletter as it was sent.......... Welcome,
I am your sponsor at Nexus Rewards...Kerry
My site is
Thank you for joining with me to build together. This is my first Newsletter:
The best way to get started is to watch the video, go to your replicated site
Download the app and begin getting your discounts
Share your link and this information, so your team can duplicate your efforts and start earning referral income.
I upgraded in order to work towards building an International business
and earn residual at the deeper levels.
The following is a sample of my ad. is a bounce page I can use in conversation and online
and it will open the nexus site.
Sample Ad just replace your link where mine is placed
Welcome to permission based marketing. If you are interested in the information you may click the link, copy and paste the link or send me an email.
Would you like to receive information about a gas rewards program? Available in all 50 states
2) Available internationally...countries :
United States, US Virgin Islands, Japan, Canada, Australia, Bahamas, Bermuda, Brazil, Columbia, Crete, Dominica, France,
, St. Lucia, St. Martin ,French Polynesia, Germany, Greece, Guam, Iceland, Israel ,South Africa, Sweden, Switerland
Italy, India, Ireland, Jamaica, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands,
New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland,
Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Uganda, South Korea and the United Kingdom
*These were current in July 2022
Best Wishes,
Traffic Sources I have used
*The traffic exchange sites let you place ads and you can trade clicks for credits vs having to come out of pocket, which is nice with a budget and getting started.
Lastly I would like to share a link where you may take a free tour and see if the tools there and program are of interest to you.
Http:// *Please enroll under Kerry Smallwood
If you would like to share ideas , please reach out to me at
Best Wishes,
I did not use affiliate links for the exchange programs, as I felt the people would be more open to the ideas if it did not seem everything was geared only to help me earn a profit.
By the same token I have promoted my downline's site before to encourage the new people to enroll under them and build strength and unity into the organization.
Thank you for reading. If you personally decide to work with us through the links we would welcome you and I would assist you in building.
Havea great day
Mr K