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Why Some People Join Your Business and Get Started, And Why Others Don't

Hello, Thanks for taking the time to check out my Business Announcement today.

I wanted to write about something that most if not all Network Marketers go through in the process of building a business in this industry, and that is why some people join your business and no nothing, and others will join your business and take off. It really could be a number of reasons really, It could be because a person lost interest, or it could be a person may not know what to do after joining, or it could be that that person got sidetracked with life and much more. I'm not here to focus on each reason why I person chooses not to get started and do the things that it takes to be successful. What I want to focus on are those reasons why it's important to continue to sow those seeds and what will happen as a result. So, if you have read my post about how I got started, you will remember that I have been in this industry building businesses online since the early 2000s, and from my experience, I have found out that people most of the time have their own thing going on before joining you, granite I'm sure they joined your business for a good reason, but then after joining they got cold feet it seems. So, the key is to keep in touch with those people as well as those that are making the effort to help build the business with you, but at the same time, you can't get caught up on why a person is not doing something that you want them to do to get the results that you are getting. People will be people, you can't force anyone to do something, you can only show them the way, they will need to take the steps themselves. 

In the process of you bring more people in, your team will grow, and if you are sending your team members' emails and follow up information they will get it and over time these same people may all of a sudden wake-up and either buy or start bringing others into your business. It may happen what it seems like out of nowhere. It could be some information that you sent them via email, or maybe a testimonial that they have read about your product or service, or it could be because of a phone call that you gave, and maybe you have said something that sparked their interest again. This is why it's very important to stay in contact with the people in your team. Build those relationships, get to know others personally so that trust can build between both of you and you will see that that same person will get serious and start building with you. 

It's important that you keep that belief in you and your company/opportunity. People feed off that, your prospects can tell if you really believe in what you have or not. If you are getting started, build that belief first in what you have and the vision of you becoming successful with the opportunity that you have. You want to portray that belief with everyone that you talk to, even if you don't have the success that you will one day achieve. Even if you have to look yourself in the mirror and talk to yourself so you can start believing it first. It starts with you. You have to sell yourself first before you can sell someone else or even convince someone else in what you have and the opportunity to be successful. 

I hope this post has helped you. Now before I end this I want to leave you with a special gift. I'm sure you know how important your health is correct? Without your health, wealth doesn't matter much. I have a special promotion going on right now. It may not last long so I urge you to take a look and take action now while this promotion is still in place. I'm offering a 30% off on any of our health products, plus an additional 20% off of any of our 80 products in our catalog within the first 10 days of creating a free account with us. If you like keeping your health intact and like saving as much money as possible, this is for you. Click on the link below to learn more. (I need to mention as well that it's completely FREE to join as well)

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This article was published on 20.09.2020 by Terry Walker
Author's business opportunity:

CTFO - Health & Wellness, Free to join

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