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Change Lives With a Disruptive Nutritional Supplement

For more than 20 years, I struggled with low energy, inability to focus and body pain. I identified that I needed to adjust my diet and that helped. I knew I was on the right track, but I still could not function at the level that I wanted. I could not exercise and spent many nights after work going to bed early and weekends sleeping to have the energy for the following work week. My life was dictated by how much I energy I needed to conserve to ensure I could continue at work. I was unhappy with the way that I felt and I spent lots of money searching for a solution.

A few weeks ago, a prayer of mine was answered. A colleague of mine ran across a phenomenal product that she wanted to share with me.  I was actively looking for something, so I decided to try it out. I am very happy that I did. The first night I took the Sleep product, I had very vivid dreams and awakened refreshed. During the day I took the Energy product and I felt amazing. I was focused, energetic, my mood was uplifted.  I have tried many natural and pharmaceutical products over the years and they pale in comparison to the Vasayo products. I don't experience the "crash" or feel jittery. I just felt awake and focused, I felt more alive.

If you are looking for a ground floor opportunity with a company with excellent products and leadership, then please check out Vasayo.  The company is in the pre-launch phase, the Grand Opening is May 29, 2017 in Vegas, a few days away. And since the pre-launch in January we have already received a raise in the bonus structure. There are 8 ways to earn money. The products are priced the same for partners as well as customers and are comparable to other nutritional lines.

My team is a team of healthcare professionals: nurses, doctors and chiropractors that have amazing case studies to share of their patients. Patients are truly being helped with these products and many doctors are adding the products to their practice as an additional revenue stream. Doctors refer patients to use supplements daily, now they have a way to refer them to a product with better absorption rates.

If you want to join a team that believes in servant-leadership and helping each other succeed then contact me.  If you want a product that appeals to all people at any stage in their life, then contact me. 

Check out the opportunity here and come join our team!

This article was published on 16.05.2017 by Leslye Scarbrough
Author's business opportunity:

Vasayo - Liposomal Nutrition, 62 USD to join

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