Make a Difference To Some One Elses Life
While the headline may same a little cliché, that is meant to be the reason most Online Business go into business.
The money and the time freedom are the bye product of getting the business up and going, how ever most of us start with the notion that we living a lifestyle and quickly find out that a lot of work needs to be done first before we reap the benefits of the SUCCESS we all want to achieve.
To make a difference to some else's life is in itself a broad statement. So what does you business or product fix apart from your bank account?
To answer this question, you need to really understand your WHY and people distributers and new business owners need to clearly see what you stand for and what solution you are offering.
This again may seem a simple answer...But how many of us have used phrases like
- Leave the rat race of 925 five and prosper
- Be Your Own Boss and work flexible hours
- Work from home in the comfort of your home
- This is the next boom business.
There are no WHY'S to any of these headlines.
How is leaving the rat racing going to make me prosper, when I don't really know what I want to do or what is out there for me to do...
Do you really think they are going to believe you with a broad sweep statement which promotes the obvious?
What sort of people are you attracting?
Are the young professional who is already earning, $100K per year or the broke people looking to earn an extra $250 per week.
What are the reasons these people want to leave the race race...95% of people leave a boss before they leave the business.
The emotions in a job are the reasons people decide to go looking for something else. What keeps you awake at night, is probably a good start to a great advertisement.
The value you feel or don't feel is another emotion that triggers the new search. People want to be valued, appreciated and respected and want to achieve.
- They don't want to be managed by a younger University graduate on a power trip to the top.
- They don't want to be profit making engine or number for the share holders.
- They don't want to be over looked or held back.
Marketing is a creative skill. Making a Difference to Some ones Else's life is tapping into the stories that make them move.
The stories that keep them awake, the dreams and goals they aspire to achieve, the changes they want to try because the see proof from you.
What are the stories do your product or business move other people to act. What are the emotions that get to move and buy your product.
10 years ago I followed every marketer that had influence and tried to emulate their content, their wit and bought many programs and ebooks which did very little accept make them wealthy.
Today secret to Making a Difference To Some One Else's Life is to tell your why story..
- Why do you believe in this product?
- What has it given back to you?
- What did you want to remove?
- How have you done it?
Every day before I start work I fine tune my WHY...I spend 10 minutes in total gratitude for the business that has given me the confidence to take on any situation...I write down the three traits I want to attract in the people I interview daily...
Our business is different and different scares some people. I was looking for different, to release my life long anger and be the example that others could follow.
- From the Desert Country of Outback Australia to the Coral Coast of North Queensland.
- From a life time of negative energy, bad luck stories to a Global Online Business Owner.
- From a little country town to travelling the world with just an iPhone in hand.
- From struggling to survive, long hours, heavy over heads, to online and happy...
Who wouldn't want that story..
To change someone else's life tap into why you want to change your life.
There could be a few million people who are just like you.
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